Staff At Carleton (SAC) 35 Years as the Voice for Non-Exempt Employees on the Carleton Campus
Purpose The purpose of Staff At Carleton (SAC) is to serve as a means of communication for all members with the administration of the College and to promote a sense of unity within the membership.
Who is SAC?
SAC has been instrumental Floating Holidays Flextime Job Descriptions Workplace Advisors Catastrophic Leave Sharing Program Newsletter Longevity Bonus Improvements in Salary and Benefits for Non-Exempt Staff Expert Access All-Staff Retreat
Objectives To provide professional growth opportunities To promote recognition of staff as part of the educational team To strive to collect and disseminate suggestions, concerns, and questions related to the personnel policies of the College To improve communication between the membership, the union staff, the faculty, and the administration and to serve as a liaison for campus-based groups and committees To investigate and respond to issues presented to SAC To stay informed of issues and trends locally and nationally as they relate to membership To develop a plan of activities and establish project subcommittees from among the membership to further plan and implement the activities of SAC To work with the College administration to bring about necessary changes and improve working conditions
Sample Events Monthly SAC meeting – open to all SAC members Cathy Carlson, Director of the Wellness Center spoke to the SAC group about the College’s alcohol policy on September 20 Quarterly Staff Meeting and Reception for New Staff on November 17 SAC and The Forum Retreat: November 30 The Staff Development Committee worked with ITS to provide several computer training sessions in February – “Working with your Data,” “GroupWise Calendaring,” and “Managing your Inbox” Position Description Questionnaire Presentation held on May 3 SAC End of Year Gathering with Special Guest President Oden: June 5, 9-10:30 a.m. in Great Hall
New for the Year The new co-chairs will be unveiling a theme for the year at the year-end meeting with President Oden Third-Thursday informal lunches to build social networking Staff Development has ideas for enhancing both skill development and knowledge of Carleton and Carleton culture (such as a Tunnel Tour) Special Projects will again run Meals on Wheels, but we may do a gift drive for a family during the holidays or a fundraiser to help our local United Way Stay Tuned!!