We Thank You Loving Father We thank you, loving Father For your great gift of Peace, When in the world around us Unrest seems to increase. We thank you for the blessing You shower on this earth, You halt all our digressing And offer us new birth. 1/41/4 (Hymn of Peace Ambassadors)
We Thank You Loving Father You showed us, loving Father The way to lasting peace, How hopes can go much further And suffering decrease. You pointed out the true way You strengthened every heart, You taught us what we should say Now we must play our part. 2/42/4
We Thank You Loving Father So, help us, loving Father To spread your words of peace And help our anxious brothers From stress to find release. Let Peace be at our centre, Let us help others find The door that they can enter, To find their peace of mind. 3/43/4
We Thank You Loving Father We promise, loving Father To live and strive for peace. With diligence and fervour Till we see discord cease. Help us to bring together The Brotherhood of Man, To carry out Your vision Fulfil your holy plan. 4/44/4 Dr. Joy Philippou