Webscale Computing Mike Culver Amazon Web Services
Amazon Has Three Parts 1 2 3
Ideas Meet Pagers
What if Gravity Sets In?
How Do You Survive This?
Don’t Do the Muck
What is Cloud Computing? o Remote computing capacity o On-demand o Infinite scale o XML Web services
Fallacies of Distributed Computing 1.The network is reliable. 2.Latency is zero. 3.Bandwidth is infinite. 4.The network is secure. 5.Topology doesn't change. 6.There is one administrator. 7.Transport cost is zero. 8.The network is homogeneous. Wikipedia.com
Bandwidth Consumed by Amazon Web Services Bandwidth Consumed by Amazon’s Global Websites 2008
Amazon Web Services Are... Building block services that allow developers to innovate and make money Infrastructure As a Service Amazon Simple Storage Service Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Amazon Simple Queue Service Amazon SimpleDB Commerce As a Service Amazon Flexible Payments Service Fulfillment Web Service People As a Service Amazon Mechanical Turk Alexa Web Services Alexa Web Information Service Alexa Top Sites Alexa Site Thumbnail Alexa Web Search Platform
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Highly scalable data storage in-the-cloud Programmatic access via web services API Simple to get going, simple to use Highly available and durable Pay-as-you-go: Storage: $0.15 / GB / month Data Transfer: starts at $0.17 / GB Requests: nominal charges
Billions of Objects Stored.8 Billion 5 Billion 10 Billion Q3 06Q1 07 Q Billion Q Billion Q Billion Q2 08
Amazon S3 Namespace Amazon S3 bucket object bucket object
Amazon S3 Namespace Amazon S3 mculver-images media.mydomain.com Beach.jpg img1.jpg img2.jpg 2005/party/hat.jpg public.blueorigin.com index.html img/pic1.jpg
Internet Backup on a Stick Or Stick Backed Up on the Net?
Open Source Backup
1 TB: Basecamp and Campfire Tools
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Resizable compute capacity in the cloud Obtain and boot new server instances in minutes Quickly scale capacity, up or down, as your computing requirements change Full root access to a blank Linux machine Simple Web service management interface Changes the economics of computing
You just lost customers You just lost customers Predictions Cost Money Infrastructure Cost $ time Large Capital Expenditure Large Capital Expenditure Predicted Demand Traditional Hardware Actual Demand Automated Virtualization
Resilient Infrastructure Requires Physical Isolation Availability Zone AAvailability Zone BAvailability Zone C
Three Flavors of Amazon Machine Images Public AMIs: Use pre-configured, template AMIs to get up and running immediately. Choose from Fedora, Movable Type, Ubuntu configurations, and more Private AMIs: Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) containing your applications, libraries, data and associated configuration settings Paid AMIs: Set a price for your AMI and let others purchase and use it (Single payment and/or per hour)
Virtual Machine Choices StandardHigh CPU SmallLargeExtra Large MediumExtra Large Bits RAM1.7 GB7.5 GB15 GB1.7 GB7 GB Disk160 GB850 GB1690 GB350 GB1690 GB EC2 Compute Units I/O Performa nce MediumHigh FirewallYes Per Hour$0.10$0.40$0.80$0.20$0.80
$5 or $30,000 For a Prototype? $30,000 worth of in-house servers DISA paid a total of $5
Build Your Own Virtual ISP
Operating Systems as a Service
4 TB Data100 Nodes11 Million PDFs 100 instancesx 24 hoursx $0.10 / Hr = $240
From 50 to 3400 Instances in 3 Days
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) A distributed queue in the cloud Used for storing messages traveling between computers Reliable Runs within Amazon's high-availability data centers Messages are stored redundantly across multiple servers and locations Scalable to millions of messages a day Simple: Only 6 methods Platform agnostic Provides access control and message locking
Amazon SimpleDB Limited Beta
Databases Should Just Work But They’d Better Scale… Easy: no administration Web Service API Flexible (no schemas) Scalable: create new domains as Your data grows Request throughput increases Durable Multiple nodes Replicated data centers
Amazon SimpleDB itemdescriptioncolormaterial 123SweaterBlue, Red 456Dress shirtWhite, Blue 789ShoesBlackLeather PUT (item, 123), (description, Sweater), (color, Blue), (color, Red) PUT (item, 456), (description, Dress shirt), (color, White), (color, Blue) PUT (item, 789), (description, Shoes), (color, Black), (material, Leather) Query Domain = MyStore [‘description’ = ‘Sweater’]
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