Brazil This power point is about Brazil and all the things about Brazil.
Contents Food and Drinks Money Animals Amazon Rainforest Cities and Towns Borders Brazil Quiz
Food and Drinks The food of Brazil uses mainly: fish, meat, tropical fruits, rice, beans, and among others. Brazilians eat lots of fruits. In fact, most of their fruits come straight out of the Amazon. They eat fruits like mangoes, guava, pineapple, passion fruit, and many more.
Money The money in Brazil is totally different to the money in England. The currency used in Brazil is centave (for pennies) and Real (for pounds.)
Animals Animals in Brazil are a bit dangerous like: poisonous frogs, poisonous snakes, tigers, crocodiles and creatures. Animals in Brazil can harm others and KILL others.
Amazon Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest, as it is commonly known in English, is a magnificent broad-leafed rainforest in the heart of Brazil, the basin of which covers an impressive area of 7 million square kilometres.
Cities and towns Brazil has 22 towns and cities with more than half a million people. Some of them have many more. Some 15.2 million people live in the urban area around and including the city of Sao Paulo. For Rio de Janeiro, the figure is 9.6 million.
Borders The countries that border Brazil are: Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru. All of these countries touch Brazil.
Brazil Loads of people live in brazil so that means it is a busy place. Brazil is the BIGGEST country in South America. When it is hot in Brazil people like to go out and dance on the streets.
Quiz 1.What is the favourite food in Brazil ? 2.Are the animals dangerous in Brazil? Yes or No. 3. What do people like doing when it is hot? 4.Where is Brazil on this map Answers 1. mangoes, guava, pineapple, passion fruit, and many more. fish, meat, tropical fruits, rice, beans 2. Yes 3. Going out on the roads for dancing and beaches. 4. In south America