Pan-Amazonian Network of Science, Technology and Innovation in Health Atibaia, May 9 th, 2007 Laís Costa –
Globalization, Health and Sustainable Development Health Sector human development, equity and social justice Unexplored potential of health sector to achieve development goals. Health industry, research, market, services, education relevant tool for the regional integration and development Technologic and economic importance: innovation, job, profit Brazilian & The International Agenda → Health Sector’s importance for human and overall development; →The project must foster national development and regional integration through the empowerment of endogenous resources.
Amazon and strategic development Region of global interest, low HDI - poor access to basic services; One of the richest biodiversity - better competitiveness; Forest’s potential - social inclusion, industrial development; Urgent needs to develop environmental management; Common issues & cooperative work Improvement of S&T capacity - mutual effort work; Empowerment of population - guarantee of resources’ sustainable use;
Amazon - Challenges To establish the Amazon’s importance in a global set; To implement public policies to develop science, technology, biotechnology and innovation skills; To preserve biodiversity stimulating research; Foster civil society’s participation to definition priorities and policies evaluation implementation; To approach strategically the health sector in Amazon for the national and South American development; To establish a natural resources management.
The need to address regional matters locally There's a recognition that challenges concerning to sustainable development of Amazon, and building science, technology and innovation in health research skills is no longer considered a domestic one, but a regional, or better, a global, one. There's a recognition of the mutual benefit of addressing the challenge in collaboration with other Amazonian countries, specifically, and other countries and development agencies and initiatives. Pan-Amazonian Network of ST&I/H
Cooperation networks as a tool to overcome challenges Mutual benefits recognition of a coordinated work trough international cooperation Mutual benefits recognition of a coordinated work trough international cooperation “Pan-Amazonian Network of S,T & I/H” as an answer to demands of the “Amazon agreement in S,T&I/H” strategic planning. Fiocruz, OTCA and Amazon
Pan-amazonian Network of Science, Technology & Innovation in Health Agreement Borders GOVERNANC E PROJECT MANAGEMEN T Fiocruz, OTCA e Amazônia
Pan-Amazonian Network of ST&I/H Challenges 1. To implement a ST&H/I International Cooperative Network with members of the Amazon Pact and Amazon agreement in ST&I/H; 2. To stablish an Strategic Agenda for developing ST&IH in the region (sustainable development, globalization and citizenship). Date: July 2007
Pan-Amazonian Network of ST&I/H Executive Committee Structure: Fiocruz, OTCA, PAHO, UNAMAZ, the Andean Health Organism and the Ministry of Health of Brazil (Mercosul) Fiocruz, OTCA, PAHO, UNAMAZ, the Andean Health Organism and the Ministry of Health of Brazil (Mercosul) Achieved Results : I International meeting Pro- Pan-Amazonian network of S,T&I/H – Nov/2006: I International meeting Pro- Pan-Amazonian network of S,T&I/H – Nov/2006: Work Plan to its installation; Work Plan to its installation; Establishment of priorities. Establishment of priorities.
Pan-Amazonian Network of ST&I/H Leads to empowerment through: Coordination of investment; Coordination of investment; Rationalization of research; Rationalization of research; Connection of researchers to obtain a concrete application and the benefits of their uses; Connection of researchers to obtain a concrete application and the benefits of their uses; Improvement of civil society’s participation; Improvement of civil society’s participation; Endogenous knowledge and economic impact; Endogenous knowledge and economic impact; Transparency (governance and accountability). Transparency (governance and accountability).
By promoting international cooperation, research will be optimized, and the gains will become more transparent, leading to a better share of its benefits and more civil society’s participation. Relevance of Pan-Amazonian Network It helps channeling the reality that only 10% of world’s health research resources are applied to solve diseases that affects 90% of population, by defining, with civil society participation and within the region, the priorities of research.
Relevance of Pan-Amazonian Network Increasing the HDI trough the regional development; Increasing the HDI trough the regional development; Increasing of the capability to provide basic services; Increasing of the capability to provide basic services; Strategic region (sustainable use of natural resources); Strategic region (sustainable use of natural resources); precarious access to basic services; precarious access to basic services; Better focus and evaluation on education and health policies; Better focus and evaluation on education and health policies; Empower population to take part in the definition of strategies and resources application. Empower population to take part in the definition of strategies and resources application. High potential of generation of innovation to regional industries; High potential of generation of innovation to regional industries; Strengthen the region through build up research capabilities; Strengthen the region through build up research capabilities; Promote international cooperative and mutual work; Promote international cooperative and mutual work; Rationalize use of human and financial resources. Rationalize use of human and financial resources.
Aims of Pan-Amazonian Network To improve S&T capacity; To improve S&T capacity; To promote transparency; To promote transparency; To approximate research of its final use and real necessity; To approximate research of its final use and real necessity; To set priorities to Amazonian knowledge-based development; To set priorities to Amazonian knowledge-based development; To establish natural resource management; To establish natural resource management; To improve indigenous capacity; To improve indigenous capacity; To foster participation on political and development strategies To foster participation on political and development strategies To improve regional capacity to set priorities, generate, and apply knowledge; To improve regional capacity to set priorities, generate, and apply knowledge; To give support to production, rationalization, dissemination, application and evaluation of S&T results. To give support to production, rationalization, dissemination, application and evaluation of S&T results.
Fiocruz and Amazon: Challenges Financial and organizational sustainability;Financial and organizational sustainability; Efficacy and effectiveness;Efficacy and effectiveness; Biodiversity;Biodiversity; Sustainable development;Sustainable development; Articulation of knowledge and policies.Articulation of knowledge and policies.
Fiocruz and Amazon: Opportunities 1.Amazon’s Biodiversity Innovation Network; 2.Brazil three times program; 3.Amazon Sustainable Plan; 4.Legal Amazon Health Plan; 5.Growth Acceleration’s Plan; 6.Brazilian Society for Science's Progress (SBPC); 7.Malaria Research Network; 8.Brazilian Association of Collective Health’s Post graduation (ABRASCO); 9.Financial (IDRC, PAHO, IDB, Eletrobrás, Ministry of Health)
Fiocruz and Amazon: Involved Parties: 1.Presidency of Republic - Nuclear Strategic Issues - NAE 2.Presidency of Republic - Federative Issues Sub secretariat 3.National Integration Ministry 4.Science and Technology Ministry 5.Ministry of Environment 6.ELETRONORTE 7.Ministry of Health – Science and Technology Department 8.Ministry of Health – Decentralization Support Department
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz Laís Costa Strategic Projects and Programs Coordination SEPN 510, unidade II do MS, 4 and., sala 413 Brasília – Distrito Federal – CEP Phone.: / Site: