You have 5 in the game lives! Guess the creature? You have 5 in the game lives! Click here to play!
Welcome to guess the creature! Round 1 I live in the desert I live in the ocean I live in the amazon
You lost a life Click here to try again
I live in the pacific ocean I live in the Australian ocean Round 2 I live in the ocean I live in the pacific ocean I live in the Indian ocean I live in the Australian ocean
Round 3 I eat Krill I eat shells I live in the ocean I live in the pacific ocean I eat Krill I eat prawns I eat shells
Round 4 I am a carnivore I am a herbivore I am a omnivore I live in the ocean I live in the pacific ocean I eat prawns I am a herbivore I am a carnivore I am a omnivore
Round 5 I am a fish I am a whale I am a shark I live in the ocean I live in the pacific ocean I eat prawns I am a carnivore I am a fish I am a whale I am a shark
Click here to see if you were right! I live in the ocean I live in the pacific ocean I eat prawns I am a carnivore I am a shark Click here to see if you were right!
Click here to find out interesting facts about me I am a angel shark! Click here to find out interesting facts about me
Angel shark facts! Click here to end game I can have 13 cubs and I can live up to 35. Years and I am 1.50cm long . I have sharp teeth and strong jaws.