The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Pray as you see me pray.” I’badaah Adhaan.


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Presentation transcript:

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Pray as you see me pray.” I’badaah Adhaan

Adhaan Call to prayer "Adhaan" is a call to inform others in specific words that the time for a particular prayer has begun. It is a call to the congregation and is an expression of the Islamic practice. It is required as an act for all the Obligatory Prayers.

Adhaan Call to prayer The one who performs Adhaan is called "Muadhin” From the prophetic traditions, Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him), said: “ If the people knew the reward in the Adhaan and the first row off the prayer and that they could not get it (the reward) save by drawing lots, they would draw lots” (Narrated by Imam Bukhari). And, in another saying the Prophet (peace be upon him), said: “ The Muadhins will on the Day of Judgement have the longest necks (reflecting their exclusive eminence)”

Preferably, there should be an appointed Muadhin at each Mosque who will call the people to prayer when the time of a particular prayer is due. In performing the Adhaan, the Muadhin would stand facing the direction of the "Qiblah" (the sacred mosque in Makkah).

He would then raise both hands up to his ears and say in a loud voice the following words: 1.ALLAHU AKBAR - Allah is the greatest (to be repeated 4 times). 2. ASH-HADU ANLA ILAHA ILLALLAAH - I testify that there is no god but Allah. (to be repeated 2 times). 3. ASH-HADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASUULULLAAH - I testify that Muhammad is Allah's messenger. (to be repeated 2 times). 4. HAYYAA LAS SALAAT - Come fast to prayer. (to be repeated 2 times). The Muadhin, when reciting this turns the face slightly to the right side.

5. HAYYAA LAL FALAAH - Come fast to success. (to be repeated 2 times). The Muadhin, when reciting this turns the face slightly to the left side. 6. ALLAHU AKBAR -Allah is the greatest. (to be repeated 2 times). 7. LAA ILAHA ILLALLAAH - There is no god but Allah. (to be recited once). Note 1: In the Adhaan,for the Fajr (Dawn) prayer, the following words are recited twice after Hayya'alal Falaah: ASSALATU KHEIRUM MINA NAWM, (to be recited two times) which means -" Salaat is better than sleep”

What Someone Supplicates Upon Hearing the Adhaan It is preferred practice that when a person hears the Adhaan, he should repeat the words the Muadhin calls out, except, when he says "Haaya alal Salaat and Hayya alal Falaah", the listener should instead say: LA HOWLA WALA QUWATA ILA BILLAH which means, "There is no power and strength except by Allah".

The Supplication after the Adhaan Upon the completion of the Adhaan, it is recommended that the listener recite the following supplication: ALLAHUMMA RABBA HADHIHID DA'WATI – TAMMAH, WASALATIL QA'IMAH, ATI MUHAMMADAN AL WASILATA WAL FADHILATA, - WAAB'ATHUHU MAQAMUM MAH- MUDAN-ALLADHII WAAD TAHU. which means: "O Allah, Lord of this complete call and of the prayer to be held, grant Muhammad the most favored and excellent position in the Paradise and raise him to the praise worthy place that You have promised him".

It is highly recommended to recite the above supplication at the end of every Adhaan and in this regard the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “ It becomes obligatory upon me to intercede for him (person reciting the supplication) on the Day of Judgement” (Reported by Imam Bukhari).

IQAMAH Second Call to Prayer "Iqamah" is the second call to the prayer and is said inside the Mosque at the start of the congregational prayer. It goes as follows: i.ALLAHU AKBAR. (repeated two times). ii. ASH-HADU ANLA ILLAHA ILA LAAH, (once). iii. ASH-HADU ANNA MUHAMMADAR RASULUL-LAAH, (once). iv. HA YYA ALAS-SALAA T, (once). v. HA YYA ALAL-FALAAH, (once). vi. QAD QAMATIS-SALAAT, (repeated two times). vii. ALLAHU AKBAR, (repeated two times). viii. LAA ILAAHA ILA-LAAH, (once).

It is recommended that a brief time gapping be maintained between the "Adhaan" and the "Iqamah" to allow the congregation to get ready for the Salaat. It is preferred that the "Iqamah" is performed by the same person (Muadhin) who performed the "Adhaan". It is disliked for anyone to leave the mosque once the "Adhaan" is made, unless for urgent reason(s) but with a determination to return for the prayer. It is prohibited to offer voluntary prayers after Iqamah has been called out. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says:“ When Iqamah is called out, no prayer is permissible except the obligatory one” (Reported by Imam Muslim).