Focus groups and intervention sessions March 2014 Stage 1: Qualitative payment and release Quantification of qual preferences April 2014 Stage 2: Payment and release Online survey May 2014 Stage 3: Oyster survey Online survey July 2014 Stage 4: Price point research BCH members/ BCH casuals and non-users/ lapsed users Sample 40 BCH members and non- members (casuals and non- users) Sample 5141 Registered oyster card users Sample 717 BCH members/ BCH casuals/ Oyster card users/ non- Oyster card users Sample 4292 AUDIENCE KEY FINDINGS Customers want the benefits of Oyster transferred over to Cycle Hire - fast, simple, easy, secure, recognised brand Simplifying and integrating the payment and release solution represents a significant opportunity - Frequency of use and overall satisfaction with Cycle Hire should increase by: 1) Simplifying the payment and release system 2) Integrating the payment and release mechanism with other TfL methods of payment Cycle hire is perceived as separate from rest of TfL - The current payment and release system do not aid this lack of perceived integration USE 25% Uplift applied to current Business Plan forecast for demand. Only survey that allows quantified impact on trip numbers Supports selection of PAYG tariff change in stage 2 of business case Findings supportive of proposed uplift as a result of oyster on docking points For non BCH users – the ability to use oyster would encourage greater use - 60% of non-BCH Londoners surveyed indicated they would hire a bike more often The ability to use oyster is a potential motivation for current members -43% members surveyed stating the potential to use oyster would encourage them to hire a bike more often, whilst 48% indicated it would make no difference ‘Better/ new payment methods’ are deemed to encourage greater usage of BCH amongst members and non-members – 3 rd highest scoring from pre-defined list with most important aspects being Improved street safety and cheaper bike hire Overall 25% uplift on business plan forecasted trip numbers as a result of integrating with oyster at docking points -Good confidence (80%) that this uplift will be at least 25%, -Medium uplift of 33% (equal probability either side of this value) and -high confidence (95%) of at least a 20% uplift Payment at docking point is significantly more popular than paying at terminal (users and non- users) - 13% vs. 11% claimed they will definitely use or use a lot more (statistically significant at 95% confidence interval) Among current users payment at docking points is significantly more popular than at the terminal – 27% vs. 20% claimed they will use a lot more The claimed impact of oyster at docking points on future use is high among both current and non- users 36%of respondents indicated they would use cycle hire a lot more or a little more than their current levels Supports the desire to integrate cycle hire with other transport modes Total customers consulted through insight 10,252