GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Proprietary and Strictly Confidential
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Contents Background to the Influentials: Who? Why? Methodology: What? How? Influentials & World Media Group Readers: Social Influentials Business Influentials Digital Influentials Summary
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Background to the Influentials: Who? Why? 1
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 A key consumer trend: The rise of word of mouth 2003: Word of mouth valued far more 1977: Word of mouth valued somewhat more Word-of-mouth 67 Advertising 53 Editorial Word-of-mouth 50 Advertising 40 Editorial Aggregate percentage of total American public saying source is among best for ideas and information, averaged for eight consumer decisions 4 SOURCE: GfK Roper Reports
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 A key consumer trend: The spread of word of mouth 5 Map shows the top-ranked source for being: very trustworthy for purchase ideas or information SOURCE: GfK Roper Reports Worldwide
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Background to the Influentials: When it comes to spreading word of mouth, some are more important than others A unique group that originated as a concept in the 1970s within the Roper Reports study. It was noticed that the most active socially and politically were also more likely to: Find out about and try new ideas, products, services Volunteer their opinions to the rest of their social network Are asked for recommendations because they are regarded as “the kind of person who will know what’s good and what’s not”
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Background to the Influentials: There are Influentials within different areas of life Everyday life Social Influentials Category Influentials Working life Business Influentials Business Category Influentials Online life Digital Influentials
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Methodology 2
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Methodology What? Does the reader base of World Media Group titles have more Influentials?
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Methodology How? 6,483 online interviews conducted by ICD Research across 5 European countries in March and April 2008: UK = 1,364 France = 1,119 Germany = 1,088 Italy = 1,497 Spain = 1,415 All participants earned minimum £35k or equivalents; there was also a quota of respondents earning £50k+ In order to enable an “apples to apples” comparison: Each country was given equal representation in the total sample. The income profiles of WMG readers and non-readers were matched
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Methodology How? In each country, the sample consisted of World Media Group subscribers and members of ICD Research’s online panel, enabling us to look at many different business groups: WMG Readers Read 3+ out of 4 issues Equal weight given to each of the 8 WMG titles WMG non-Readers WMG web users Access at least one WMG website at least several times a week In addition, data on “all consumers” is available via GfK Roper Consulting’s syndicated study – Roper Reports Worldwide
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Influentials & WMG Readers 3
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Social Influentials 3.1
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, About the Social Influentials Someone you know and rely on Well-connected, well-informed, trusted Word-of-mouth leaders A vital centre of society and marketplace Leading indicators on trends Opinion leaders for products, services and ideas Twice as likely as average to be sought out for opinion Twice as likely as average to make recommendations
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Social Influentials: Definition Based on the number of social and political activities carried out in the past year (from a list of 12) Number varies by country from 3 to 5 - Designed to identify the top 10% or so Attended business lunches/dinners Made a speech or gave a talk Written to a newspaper or magazine or called a live radio or TV show Make sizable donations to local or national organisations Made a complaint Attended a public meeting Attended a political rally, speech, or event Led or served on a committee Asked a question in a public meeting Organised a special social event Contacted a politician or government official Been an active member of a lobby group WMG readers are more likely than non- readers to do all of these activities
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Make sizable donations to local or national organisations Write letters to newspaper or phone TV or radio Make speeches or give talks to groups Attend business lunches or dinners regularly 16 Social Influentials: WMG readers are more active socially 65% 68% 72% 133% Readers 61% Non-readers 37% All consumers 8%* Readers 42% Non-readers 25% All consumers 12%* Readers 31% Non-readers 18% All consumers 7%* Readers 35% Non-readers 15% All consumers 10%* Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers * SOURCE: GfK Roper Reports Worldwide 2006: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Data from syndicated research study among global consumers conducted annually by GfK Roper Consulting 17 WMG has more Social Influentials among its readers % meeting the criteria needed to be a social influential * SOURCE: GfK Roper Reports Worldwide 2006: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK Index
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, WMG has more Social Influentials among its readers across all markets % meeting the criteria needed to be a social influential * SOURCE: GfK Roper Reports Worldwide 2006: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Category Influentials: Definitions Diverse Social Network (from 6 to 7 groups depending on the country) Product Passion +
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, WMG has more Category Influentials among its readers Environmentally sound purchases Ethically sound purchases Personal Appearance 60% 30% 71% 52% 56% 60% Technology Financial Products Hotels 82%92%57% Wellness Airlines Cars Luxury goods Percentage uplift by category (WMG Readers versus WMG non-readers)
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Business Influentials 3.2
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 (Even) more likely to be male More likely to be yrs of age More likely to be company owner MD, CEO, CFO, CIO or senior management Have higher incomes Be frequent business travellers Keep up to date with their sector 22 About the Business Influentials Twice as likely as average to say their opinions influence their company’s future strategy Twice as likely as average to make recommendations in a number of business categories.
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Business Influentials: Definition Based on the number of business activities carried out (from a list of 15) Number of activities varies by country from 6 to 8 and defines the most active one-quarter or so Circulating useful articles to colleagues Delivering presentations inside organisation Taking strategic business decisions Attended a work related conference Attended business lunches Delivering presentations outside organisation Offered advice to more senior members of staff. Spoken at an Industry conference Exhibited at a conference/ trade show Set up a new company Raised capital for a new venture Suggested an innovation to benefit my company Written an industry paper Organised social activities for colleagues Sat on an industry committee WMG readers are more likely than non- readers to do all of these activities
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Take strategic business decisions: Readers 49% vs. non- readers 26% Circulate useful articles to colleagues: Readers 54% vs. non- readers 32% Raised capital for a new business venture: Readers 12% vs. non- readers 4% Suggested an innovation to benefit my company: Readers 33% vs. non- readers 19% 24 Business Influentials: WMG readers are more active in their work lives 88% 69% 200% 74% Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, % meeting the criteria needed to be a business influential World Media Group has more Business Influentials among its readers
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Business Category Influentials: Definitions Any respondent who meets the criteria for Business Influentials; AND Mentions any of 9 “product categories” as one they very actively seek the best ideas or latest information about. Financial services Telecoms / IT hardware / software Recruitment solutions Business solutions Corporate/social responsibility Business travel Marketing Advertising Other professional service providers WMG readers are more likely than non-readers to seek information & ideas about all of these “categories”
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Financial services: Readers 22% vs. Non-readers 7% Telecoms/IT hardware/software: Readers 23% vs. Non-readers 9% 214% Business solutions: Readers 20% vs. Non-readers 7% 156% 186% Advertising: Readers 13% vs. Non-readers 5% 175% World Media Group has more Business Category Influentials among its readers Corporate Social Responsibility: Readers 13% vs. Non-readers 5% 160% Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Digital Influentials 3.3
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 More likely to be either a social or business influential too. Twice as likely as average to use online social networks 29 About Digital Influentials Make recommendations to others on a wide range of social topics, including electronics and technology Also more likely to recommend on many business categories, not just telecoms and IT!
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Digital Influentials are defined as those who have carried out six or more of the eleven following online activities in the past 30 days Find out information about products Make purchases Download music or video Instant messaging Share documents, photos or videos online Maintain a blog Contact someone via a social networking site Add a review or comment to a website Forward news and website information to others Listen to a podcast Digital Influentials: Definition Comment on someone else’s blog WMG readers are more likely than non- readers to do all of these activities
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Listen to a podcast: Readers 23% vs. Non-readers 12% 92% Forward news and online content to others: Readers 52% vs. Non-readers 34% 53% Maintain a blog: Readers 12% vs. Non-readers 8% 50% Add a review or comment to a website: Readers 17% vs. Non-readers 12% 42% Percentage uplift Readers versus non-readers Digital Influentials: WMG readers are more active in their online lives
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, % meeting the criteria needed to be a digital influential World Media Group has more Digital Influentials among its readers
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Summary 4
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, Influentials & World Media Group: Summary Word of mouth is one of the key trends of our time, both among consumers and business people Certain consumers and business people are most active in spreading word of mouth messages – we call them Influentials Relative to a comparable sample of non-readers, the readership of World Media Group titles contains more…… Social influentials and Category influentials Business influentials and Business category influentials Digital influentials Furthermore, those who consume WMG titles through print AND web are even more likely to be Influentials
GfK Roper ConsultingThe InfluentialsJuly 9th, 2008 Nick Chiarelli GfK Roper Consulting Tel: Fax: Belinda Barker World Media Group Tel: Mob: For further information, please contact: