Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO1 Implementation of new Information Disclosure Reports Ken Kozlik July 23, 2003
Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO2 Ontario Native Demand by Zone Ontario Native Demand for 10 zones posted yesterday Information posted spans May 1, 2003 to July 19, 2003 This information will be updated each week for the next three weeks - daily thereafter Once Unit Energy Report is made available, then we will also post flows across the interfaces between the 10 zones.
Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO3 Import Offer Guarantee Information Implemented - June, 2003 Separate estimate of the effects on uplift due to IOG payments Published on the “new” Today’s Market Page only. Available hourly, as per existing uplift estimations.
Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO4 Unit Level Generation - Energy Data check-out with generator RMPs complete Surprises: - routine validation of data required - connectivity can change relevant data collection points - more effort than first meets the eye - manually intensive Coordinating with other stakeholders Target implementation delayed - a.s.a.p.
Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO5 Unit Level Generation - Capacity IMO database changes completed Data check-out with RMPs next step Target implementation - same as energy report Details: Capacity = MCR - derates derates = maximum derate for the particular hour
Market Operations Standing Committee of the IMO6 Generation Outages by Fuel Type IMO database changes completed Initially 28 days of aggregation - provide longer horizon at time of next 18-month outlook Four fuel types - hydro, coal, nuclear, other Target implementation - same as Energy report