LANDSCAPES ESRT pages 2 and 3
FEATURES 1. Mountains - high elevations, steep gradients, igneous and/or metamorphic rock, faults and folds
2. Plateaus – moderate relief, horizontal rock structure, sedimentary rocks or extrusive igneous flows, often dissected by many streams
Catskill Mountains – Part of Appalachian Plateau
3. Plains – low elevation, sedimentary rocks, generally level
Escarpment steep slope or long cliff that occurs from falting and resulting erosion; separate level areas of different elevations
Factors Affecting Landscapes 1. Uplift and Leveling Forces –Uplift – building up of land (mountains) - plate tectonic forces –Leveling – weathering, erosion and subsidence
2. Climate Temperature and moisture and amount of vegetation
a. Arid – steep slopes and sharp and angular features
b. Humid – smoother and more rounded features
3. Bedrock Related to hardness and resistance to weathering - hard rock – weathers more slowly, steeper cliffs - soft rock – weathers easily (quicker), gentle slopes
Which layers are more resistant to weathering ?
4. Time a. Young – uplift, fast streams, V-shaped valleys, steep slopes b. Mature – low rounded hills, broad flat valleys, meanders and flood plains c. Old – erosion almost to sea level
5. Human Activities A. Land stripped of vegetation B. Building of roads C. Cities D. Building of new homes
Dendritic - horizontal rock layers, plains and plateaus Radial – radiate out from a single point, volcano or a single peak Annular - A ring-like pattern associated with maturely dissected dome or basin structures Rectangular – strongly jointed and faulted Trellis – rocks with different hardness, faulted and folded, valleys and ridges