Volcano Deformation Constraints on continued episodic inflation at Long Valley Caldera, based on seismic and geodetic observations (Feng et al.) The 1974 flank eruption of Mount Etna: An archetype for deep dike-fed eruptions at basaltic volcanoes and a milestone in Etna's recent history (Corsaro et al.)
Tectonics Three-dimensional model of Hellenic Arc deformation and origin of the Cretan uplift (Ganas et al.) Horizontal and vertical interseismic velocity fields in the Vanuatu subduction zone from GPS measurements: Evidence for a central Vanuatu locked zone (Bergeuot et al.) Seismic evidence for Neogene and active shortening offshore of Lebanon (Shalimar cruise) (Carton et al.) Rocky Mountain evolution: Tying Continental Dynamics of the Rocky Mountains and Deep Probe seismic experiments with receiver functions (Rumpfhuber et al.)
Gravity Glacial isostatic adjustment and nonstationary signals observed by GRACE (Tregoning et al.) GRACE-derived ice-mass variations over Greenland by accounting for leakage effects (Baur et al.) Seismic structure, gravity anomalies, and flexure of the Amazon continental margin, NE Brazil (Watts et al.)
Tremor Moment release rate of Cascadia tremor constrained by GPS (Aguiar et al.) Remote triggering of tremor along the San Andreas Fault in central California (Peng et al.) Thermal and metamorphic environment of subduction zone episodic tremor and slip (Peacock et al.) Correlation of tremor activity with tidal stress in the northern Cascadia subduction zone (Lambert et al.)
Post-seismic Deformation Seven years of postseismic deformation following the 1999, M = 7.4 and M = 7.2, Izmit-Düzce, Turkey earthquake sequence (Ergintav et al.) Postseismic deformation due to the Mw Parkfield earthquake: Stress- driven creep on a fault with spatially variable rate-and-state friction parameters (Barbot et al.)
Fault Mechanics Potential role of mantle-derived fluids in weakening the San Andreas Fault (Fulton et al.)