‘Be your Best’ Darryn Snooks, CFP, DipFP, SA Fin, GAICD
Customer MgtOperational ExcellenceInnovation Client Value Proposition Financials Client Satisfaction Internal Processes People Growth Productivity Increase in Shareholder Value Outcome s Strategies DRAFT XX yr Strategy Map for XXX Strategies Outcome s
InnovationCustomer ManagementOperational Excellence Financials Client Satisfaction Internal Process People Growth Productivity Outcomes Strategies 2 yr Strategy Map for TrilogyFPto June 2006 Introduce Holistic Approach to Financial Planning - process & implementation Develop and enhance quality COI strategy $3M Revenue Develop a passive client strategy (and active strategy to uplift, including mentoring junior advisers) Existing clients upgraded into higher category and service packages Holistic Offering Retention of key staff Develop a career planning / pathing strategy Reduce Principal Dependency via total resource application Refine & document A2C processes Develop strategy for achieving organic growth or potential acquisition. 40% of TDR new business Design, develop & implement service packages & categorise clients accordingly All clients on service packages Process Dependant Business including streamlined & efficient A2C Skilled, competent and motivated people Introduce Graduate Program and a mentoring & personal development program Categorising to identify valued clients & align to service packages - ongoing model Pricing structure/model developed & implemented 25% profit/Rev Ratio Build a robust referral process & reward / recognition structure Attract ideal clients Fully Segmented Client Base Practice Manager 2 CSMs per Snr Adviser Create Effective Organisational Structure & job descriptions / accountabilities Research appropriate awards Implement appropriate risk controls $7M Bus Value Survey & understand what clients value. Implement process to ensure delivery is aligned to client value. Satisfying & delivering to client needs (honouring agreement) Recognised as a leading business, both in FS and general business Employer of choice Develop a Recruitment policy and a motivating reward & recognition structure Strategies Outcomes Client Value Proposition Increase in Shareholder Value
InnovationCustomer ManagementOperational Excellence Financials Client Satisfaction Internal Process People Growth Productivity Increase in Shareholder Value Outcomes Strategies 1 yr Strategy Map for TrilogyFPto June 2005 Introduce Holistic Approach to Financial Planning - process & implementation Develop a passive client strategy (and active strategy to uplift, including mentoring junior advisers) Existing clients upgraded into higher category and service packages Holistic Offering Retention of key staff Develop a career planning / pathing strategy Develop strategy for achieving organic growth or potential acquisition. 40% of TDR new business Design, develop & implement service packages & categorise clients accordingly All clients on service packages Categorising to identify valued clients & align to service packages - ongoing model Pricing structure/model developed & implemented 25% profit/Rev Ratio Build a robust referral process & reward / recognition structure Attract ideal clients Fully Segmented Client Base Practice Manager 2 CSMs per Snr Adviser Create Effective Organisational Structure & job descriptions / accountabilities Research appropriate awards Implement appropriate risk controls $7M Bus Value Recognised as a leading business, both in FS and general business Employer of choice Develop a Recruitment policy and a motivating reward & recognition structure Strategies Outcomes Client Value Proposition $150 K - 5 new Corp clients $150K - 50 new clients from CoI’s $300K from acquisition and organic growth Reduce Principal Dependency via total resource application Refine & document A2C processes Survey & understand what clients value Design, develop and implement services packages Introduce Graduate Program and a mentoring & personal development program Owner: $2.1M Revenue Satisfying & delivering to client needs (honouring agreement) Owner: Process Dependant Business including streamlined & efficient A2C Skilled, competent and motivated people Owner: