The Strength of Sigma Understanding the Sigma Brand Brother John E. White Facilitator
Your Sigma Leadership Academy
33 GOAL 5 Branding and Marketing: Sigma’s brand strategy is a key part of the overall marketing strategy for the Fraternity. Brand strategies deliver on the Fraternity goals by enhancing the brand culture. The following is a systematic four-step process that the Fraternity will use to tailor strategies to enhancing our Brand: Identify goals and elements that branding can address Map the existing brand culture Analyze competition and environment to identify branding opportunities Design the Strategy
Our Objectives What is Branding? Gain Better Awareness and Understanding of Fraternity Standards and Protocols Review Fraternity Communications Standards Review Brand Identity and Graphic Standards Recruit and Retain Fraternity Brand Ambassadors
5 NORMS Be Open Treat others with RESPECT Honor Confidentiality Listen actively Participate at own comfort level OUCH AND EDUCATE Ask Questions Share Talking Time Have Fun Reflect Refocus Rise 5
Brand examples
What is brand? A brand is an identifiable entity that makes specific promises of value.
What is branding “It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only 15 minutes to destroy it.”- Warren Buffett “Safeguard the reputation of the organization with the best in conduct”
What build a brand/tears down What BuildsWhat Tears down The SIGMA ExperiencePoor image/experience Investment into the brandNo investment of time, Talent, Treasure ResponsivenessNon- Responsiveness
What is the Sigma Brand? we are men of vision men of history men of culture men of leadership men of courage
Our Brand Identity? The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. brand is an important asset to our Fraternity. Consistency in branding and imagery builds brand equity, which in turn supports a strong foundation for organizational growth. Effective branding creates and supports instant recognition and value for each of our chapters and the fraternity at large. Brand equity provides us with a value base from which we can more effectively work together to achieve our goals as one recognized organization Source: Fraternity Policy on Brand Identity and Graphic Standards – Adopted by General Board – 1/10
Brand Visibility Overview The main visual components of the Fraternity’s Brand Identity include the Fraternity Logo, Crest, Seal and program and initiatives co-branding elements. When used effectively, these elements unite to visually provide the look that shares the spirit of the Fraternity.
Fraternity Name and Logo
The Fraternity Seal
Fraternity Signature Program Logo
Fraternity Shield Our Crest
The Fraternity Stationary
Logo The new logo, uses a bold but clean type face to draw attention of the design. The Greek column is design to uplift Phi Beta Sigma along with the three stars standing for our founders. The Sigma Leadership Academy tag line emphasizes Sigma’s commitment to our mission and values in leadership and the logo tag line should be used whenever possible on externally visible items.
Co-Branding - Other Design Concepts
22 Deliverables and Expectations of Brand Management & Communications Team 1.Develop holistic marketing and branding solutions for the Fraternity to further our Brand. 2.Develop and implement strategies for brand consistency 3.Review all approved visual branding components to ensure effective use for providing the look that shares the spirit of the Fraternity. 4.Implement Strategic Brand Elements from Vision 2010 docume 5.Develop strategies for electronic marketing. 6.Develop Plans and strategies for implementing Fraternity Uniform Standard of Dress 7.Provide report that includes recommended strategies to General Board for adoption.
23 Implementing Strategic Brand Elements Communications StandardizationExcitementTechnologyDiversityProfessionalism Create a message of engagement Uniform appeal designed for special occasions Generate interest, growth & development E-Based capabilities & resources Promote internal & external diversity Strategic Business approach Press release and associated materials Consistency of Branding Benefits Promotion Feature and functionality presentations, videos, and other types of demonstrations Training and Development Consistent Image Awareness advertising Driving Change at the Local & Global Level Comprehensive Website Increase Multi-Cultural Awareness Exemplary Service Behaviors Creating a Branding and Marketing Team Fill communication gaps Global Expansion Community Integration
What Are Sigma Standards? Over the past decade the Fraternity has taken steps to define standards through policies and documents that include…. Chapter Self Assessment Tool Program Implementation and Assessment (PIA) Chapter Reporting Standards Membership Intake Process Fraternity Awards & Recognition Criteria Guide
Chapter Reporting Standards Program Implementation Assessment (PIA) On-Going After each completed community program Annual Chapter Report – February 9, 2011 Chapter Self Assessment Final Report (CSAF) – February 9, 2011
Fraternity Websites and Web pages Fraternity websites include, but are not limited to, officer-, regional-, state-, and/or chapter- sponsored websites that are created for the purpose of communicating, promoting and/or advancing the ideals, activities, programs and/or growth of the Fraternity. Each Fraternity website must conform to Fraternity brand identity standards in organizational references. No Fraternity website may utilize descriptive references (such as ‘death chapter’ and similar types of references) other than the official chapter.
Co-Branding With Our Sisters Co-branding with our sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority (the Sorority) must be done appropriately. Please refrain from utilizing Zeta Phi Beta Sigma. When co- branding please use the Fraternity’s and Sorority’s full names.
What is Fraternity Protocol? Protocol is defined as the code of ceremonial forms and courtesies, or precedence accepted as proper and correct in official dealings, as between heads of state or diplomatic officials. The expected outcome is uniformity efficiency in accomplishing goals by applying tenets of protocol in communications. The Guide to Fraternity Protocol specific purpose is to clarify the procedures that enable the membership to execute and promote consistent protocols throughout the Fraternity. All Brothers of Sigma are encouraged to become a Fraternity Protocol Ambassador. Source: Fraternity Protocol Manual – Adopted Conclave Memphis 2003
Protocols, Rites and Traditions How we communicate and interact with our leadership is very important element in Brand Identity. Protocols, Rites and Rituals are Must Haves in Fraternity Life. Best Imp lementation of these elements provide us a competitive advantage.
TOOLS AND RESOURCES Policy on Fraternity Communications Policy on Fraternity Brand Identity and Graphic Standards Chapter Reporting Guidelines PIA Chapter Self Assessment Tool Awards & Criteria Guide International Standards and Awards Committee Director of Standards, Protocols and Rituals Director of Communications Sigma International Leadership Academy (SILA) Corporate Headquarters Staff Fraternity Guide to Fraternity Protocol – 2003 Edition
New Production of Manuals and Guides Our Journey
The Strength of Sigma Understanding the Sigma Brand Brother John E. White Facilitator