Plate Tectonics & how plates work
Transform boundary also called a conservative boundary Two tectonic plates slide past one another Convection currents are parallel to each other Force is shearing TRANSFORM BOUNDARY
No real landforms are created at a transform boundary – no new crust is formed – no existing crust is lost in transform boundaries. Many earthquakes occur along faults created by transform tectonic boundaries. Image courtesy of
Most of the Earth's transform boundaries of tectonic plates are on the ocean floor along the edges of the mid ocean ridges. There are a few transform boundaries on land.
The most famous of the transform boundaries is the San Andreas Fault zone in Southern California where the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate slowly move past each other at about 6mm pr year Image courtesy of NASA
Tectonic plate boundaries Divergent boundaries Earthquakes Volcanoes Mid-ocean ridges Rift valleys Convergent boundaries Earthquakes Volcanoes Deep ocean trenches Volcanic mountain ranges Ocean/continent Ocean/ocean Earthquakes Volcanoes Deep ocean trenches Volcanic Arc Islands Continent/continent Mountain ranges earthquakes Transform Boundaries Earthquakes Brace map showing parts of the whole Spreading boundary New land made Seafloor spreading rifting Colliding boundary Land is destroyed Subduction uplift Sliding boundary No landforms made