Bhagavat GITA "See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume and honey. It gives to all, gives freely of its love. When its work is done, it falls away quietly. Try to be like the flower, unassuming despite all its qualities". A Message to Humanity What a beautiful message to the humanity on the purpose of life reflected the spiritual component. Can we bridge the spiritual component of the religions to bring peace to nations and to the world?
Economic development for societal transformation We are one billion+ peopleWe are one billion+ people 600,000 villages with600,000 villages with 700 millions people 700 millions people 220 million people need to be uplifted ( 36 million need employment)220 million people need to be uplifted ( 36 million need employment) How to uplift?How to uplift? Habitat Infrastructure Healthcare Education Employment Market connectivity Quality of Life PURA – Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas Target : 7000 PURAs Integrated,Simultaneous,ConnectedActions
Economic Security Technology Strengths Self Reliance Export Earnings Massive Employment Reaching the whole nation Agriculture & Agro-Food Processing Information and Communication Technology Happy & Healthy Society, Economic Strength and National Security I M P A C T ~ 0%26% People below Poverty line >10% >6% GDP Growth rate Towards 2020 PresentIndicators INTEGRATED ACTIONS FOR DEVELOPED INDIA Critical Technologies & Strategic Industries Science & Technology is the KEY Food Security Key to Employability Social Security Employment & Value addition Population control Nutritional Security Crucial for all sectors River Networking PURA Infrastructure including Electric Power Education & Health Care
Planetary Energy Supply & Demand Solar, Nuclear Power & Hydrogen will dominate 1 % of India’s land area were harvested of solar energy, the yield would be nearly 1000 Gigawatts, or 10 times more than the current consumption.
Energy Independence in Power and Transportation Section Energy Consumption pattern in India How to Achieve Energy Independence by 2030? to 1.4 Billion 130,000 MW 400,000 MW GW 400 GW 5% annual Growth 130,000