What is the Sports Crew? The ‘Sports Crew’ is a group of young people who are committed to providing sporting opportunities for children within their school. They are great leaders and role models who demonstrate and uphold each of the 6 School Games Values – respect, teamwork, determination, self-belief, honesty and passion – inside and outside of School.
What does a Sports Crew do? The ‘Sports Crew’ is a proactive group who can take responsibility for a number of the following activities: Setting up a lunchtime club Running a lunchtime sports competition Support in picking the School Team Feedback to the rest of school about events Share opportunities with different classes Attend sports events as reporters/photographers Create and manage the School Games display board Give out certificates and prizes
Sports Crew Roles Equipment Manager Activity Leader Creative Director Communication Manager Photographer Media Leader Head of Sports Crew
Sports Crew Benefits Having an active Sports Crew can provide a number of benefits to both SC members, other pupils and the school. Sports Crew Members Provides them with leadership opportunities, which can boost self esteem and confidence. Gives children greater responsibility and an opportunity to express themselves in ways the classroom doesn’t offer. Provides opportunities for those not considered ‘sporty’ to still take an active role in PE and School Sport by using their own different and unique skills. School After an initial support period, the Sports Crew can assist the PE coordinator with aspects of his role. Can increase the number of clubs/activities on offer at a school, in turn increasing physical activity amongst pupils. Helps work towards School Games Mark and shows OfSTED effective use of the PE Premium Can improve pupil behaviour and help instil supportive and co-operative atmospheres. Other pupils Provides additional opportunities for children to take part in physical activity. Look up to the Sports Crew members as role models to model behaviour on. Feel that they have a voice in school by liaising with the Sports Crew on opportunities and activities they want to see at school. Provides a target for children to aspire to be part of.
Sports Crew Leadership Day Sports Leadership Training 2014 Children attending the Sports Leadership training undertook training to understand how to plan, set up and deliver a Multi-Skills festival at their school. These children were then tasked with running a competition at school. The best submitted scores then took part in the Summer School Games at Moulton College The SSP plan to deliver a similar content to last year but also look at the Change4Life Sports Club resources, giving children an opportunity to learn how to set up, plan and deliver these within their own school. Media 2014 Children who undertook the Media workshop last year looked at the skills required to write a sports report. Through identifying the 5 W’s and understanding how to structure a text, children were then encouraged to return to school and report on school sport events for the wider school population 2015 The SSP plan to deliver a similar workshop but with a wider focus on technology and utilising podcasting. Children will be given the role of roaming reporters to create their own podcast of the day whilst utilising questioning, communication, note-taking and teamwork skills. Marketing 2014/15 Children who undertook the Marketing workshop last year looked at what goes into creating a School Games display board. Children used IT skills to research pictures and information to include on their board before then looking at ways to promote a school sport event. Sports Crews, by the SSP definition, take Young Leadership Training further and offers wider opportunities to common training received through secondary school links. We see this training as the first step to forming a School Sports Crew. The Partnership itself runs a Sports Crew Leadership Day in April each year at Moulton College for a select group of a school’s best Young Leaders. At this event, they receive a Sports Crew t-shirt and further training in Sports Leadership from Northamptonshire Sport coaches and media and marketing workshops delivered by SSP staff.
Sports Crew Opportunities Our main aim with the Sports Crew is to give each school a group of determined individuals committed to providing opportunities to take part in physical activity but also promote the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle. Without having day to day interactions with the children, we aim to offer rewards to those Sports Crews who continue to prove what a valuable asset they are to their school. Termly Competitions Dedicated Sports Crew News on the SSP Website Opportunities to attend non- school events as Media Leaders
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