Telemachos’ Journey MT. OLYMPUS Beginning End Click on the pictures in the order of Telemachos’ Journey to learn more about each stop! After learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Telemachos’ Journey

MT. OLYMPUS Beginning End Click on the pictures in the order of Telemachos’ Journey to learn more about each stop! After learning about each stop, click the green box on the bottom left corner to return back to this map so you can decide where he went next.

Our hero’s journey begins on Mt. Olympus where all the Gods are conversing, except for Poseidon who holds a grudge against Odysseus, Telemachos’ father. This grudge is hindering Odysseus’ return home. Telemachos is beginning to lose faith that his father will ever return home. There are men courting his mother and ravaging his home, making the situation worse. Telemachos’ journey truly begins when bright-eyed Athena comes down to Ithaca taking the form of an old family friend Mentes to instil some confidence into the boy. Go back to the mapback Mt. Olympus

Ithaca Telemachos, the son of Odysseus, meets Goddess Athena who is disguised as Mentes, a family friend. She tells Telemachos that he needs to go find his father in order to get rid of the countless numbers of suitors pestering his mother Penelopeia. She advises to call a meeting for all the men in town to tell them to let his mother make her own decision about her wedding. Athena then tells Telemachos that he should organize a fleet of ships and set sail to find information on his father’s whereabouts and get help from the king of Pylos, Nestor. She also says that he will need to kill all the suitors upon his return. After Athena leaves, Telemachos follows Her advice with more confidence than before. Go back to the mapback

Pylos When Telemachos and Athena, who is disguised as one of the wise men of Ithaca, arrive at the palace of Nestor, they are given a warm welcome. Nestor reveals that he knows Odysseus had stayed at shore with half of the ships when the first half left. Nestor had left with the first half so he does not know what happened to Odysseus afterwards. He encourages Telemachos to man up and kill the suitors because they are in his and his father’s way. Nestor offers Telemachos and Athena a place to stay, but they refuse. Athena flies off as a sea-osprey demonstrating her support of Telemachos to Nestor and the others. Also, Nestor has his son Peisistratos accompany Telemachos to his next stop in his quest. Athena’s support and Nestor’s sending Peisistratos show that Telemachos is beginning to make a positive name for himself. Go back to the mapback

Sparta Telemachos goes to Menelaos, the king of Sparta who had significant impact on the Trojan war. Menelaos is hosting a feast for his children when Telemachos and Peisistratos arrive. As dictated in Greek culture, Menelaos welcomes them into his palace to join his feast. There Menelaos talks about Odysseus and his trip from Troy. Menelaos praises Odysseus’ cleverness and their friendship. Helen, Menelaos’ wife, also adds to the talk about Odysseus. She mentions how he had disguised himself as a beggar and entered the walls of Troy. Their stories amaze Telemachos and give a glimpse of his real father. They cry for his return, but Peisistratos tells them to stop and enjoy their dinner. The next morning, Telemachos learns from Menelaos that Odysseus was last captured by Calypso, a nymph living in the sea. Telemachos has earned himself a great name in Sparta as well and has impressed many with his words and manners. Go back to the mapback

Back in Ithaca While Telemachos is at his last stop, the suitors are scheming back in Ithaca. Antinoös and Eurymachos are the leaders of Penelopeia’s suitors who are convinced that Odysseus is dead. A young man named Noëmon asked Antinoös about Telemachos’ trip to Pylos. The suitors had underestimated Telemachos’ courage and expected him to be somewhere in the farms. Noëmon explains how he lent Telemachos his ship, and how Telemachos set off with the best men in town to Pylos. Antinoös decides that he will set sail on a boat with twenty men to find Telemachos and kill him. Telemachos’ courage results in a deeper conflict with the suitors than before. His maturity has surprised them and could also be the cause of his death. Go back to the mapback

That is the end of his journey! Find out more by reading the book!