Ergonomic Requirements and Work organisation strategies Radiation from computer screens chair height, seat and back adjustment document holder footrest keyboard and mouse position lighting noise minimisation posture screen position workstation height and layout exercise breaks mix of repetitive and other activities rest periods
(Radiation from computer screens) Radiation that is harmful to the eyes "there is no convincing scientific evidence that computer video display terminals (VDTs) are harmful to the eyes." Dr. Sally M. Davis, Director/Principal (Document holder) The document has been designed to help teachers interpret Ministry Curriculum expectations with respect to computer usage and integration. A scope and sequence continuum is included to provide teachers with an organization of the computer skills that need to develop at each grade level (Footrest) * Helps tip the pelvis backward, reducing strain on the back * Angle adjustable, forward or back, for all day sitting comfort * Tubular metal frame, and rubberized non skid head
(keyboard and mouse position) (keyboard and mouse position) The wireless receiver is the component that physically connects to your computer and picks up the wireless signals from your keyboard and mouse, allowing it to communicate with your system. (Lighting) Our computer lighting solutions are sure to make your friends and enemies stare in envy whenever they see your case. At your next LAN party, instil a sense of fear in your opponents before the gaming even begins with a killer computer lighting solution ''posture'' means the intentionally or habitually assumed position... some standard [[collocation]] in reference to some distinguished types of posture: "[[Freud]] never assumed a fencing fencer attitude, yet almost all. (Posture)
( screen position) ( screen position) Often called simply a monitor or display, is a piece of electrical equipment which displays images generated from the video output of devices such as computers. (Exercise breaks) Exercise breaks is a classroom physical activity program design to provide children the opportunity to engage in daily fitness activities. Good health habits include regular exercise. Good health habits including a positive attitude toward regular physical activity instilled during childhood, will likely carry over into adult life (Rest periods) The rules about the workers’ working hours and how best to manage them. Employees rights including play, holidays and hours under the working time regulation.