OUTLINE OF PROJECT Creativity Week- introduce creativity into school curriculum. Thinking skills- enquiry, problem solving and creative thinking. Science, D.T. and creativity- maximise opportunities to practise above skills. Areas of creativity- art, animation, dance, D.T. Teachers’ skills and own creativity- audit teachers’ skills.
‘If we are successful we will see..’ Improved problem solving skills and increased confidence when presented with problem solving activities. High-quality work in all age and ability groups that reflects or surpasses the level of skill expected of children of their age group. An improved ability to record their own ideas and evaluations in a format of their own choosing. (When compared to earlier work from same term).
‘If we are successful we will see..’ A full, informed and enthusiastic journal of events and thoughts from each child (in KS2, a class journal in KS1). Improved understanding of how a creative curriculum could impact on learning in our school. Teachers’ improved understanding of progression of skills across the key stages.
All children and staff participated in Creativity Week. Weeks leading up to the event set the scene. ORGANISATION
Teachers’ skills and areas of expertise audit. Prepare children and parents for event. Organise timetable to maximise use of staff skills and use of hall, equipment etc. List and order resources. Whole school planning/assessment pro- forma
ORGANISATION The normal timetable was suspended for one week. The Lazy Mondays - Musical workshop and assembly for the whole school. Class reports in assembly.
ORGANISATION We dressed up as aliens and had an alien concert.
ORGANISATION An alien crashed in to the school. ANIMATIONANIMATION 1 ANIMATIONANIMATION 2 We used our imaginations. ASSEMBLY
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT All staff involved- TAs, teachers, volunteers etc Joint decisions made as a staff Governors and parents involved
MONITORING & EVALUATION KS2 children personal learning journals KS1 whole class journals. Used photographic, audio, video evidence and teacher observations. Target For Learning Grid Parents and other stake-holders invited to final exhibition -feedback pro forma. LESSON PLANNING WHOLEWHOLE SCHOOL DANCE PARENTAL FEEDBACK CHILDREN’S FEEDBACK TEACHER FEEDBACK
IMPACT A higher standard of work. Increased confidence. The feedback- overwhelmingly positive. The drawback- only one Creativity Week! TEACHER ASSESSMENTSRECEPTION ASSESSMENTSASSESSMENTS
INDIVIDUAL IMPACT Teachers reported that the new learning environment enabled children to excel and develop skills they hadn’t realised they had before. Particularly when: Organisation self and others Visualising a solution Responding innovatively.
WHAT NEXT? Organising a half term of Creativity: linking into community- local, national, global skills based the new curriculum.
CHANGES Don’t plan too much for a short space of time! Check ICT programmes are compatible. Instil a ‘handmade is best’ ethos.