Grant Lovelock West Adelaide Junior Football Development Manager West Adelaide SASFA Coaches Information Evening
2013 Season Overview
Season commences on Saturday 4 May 2013 Home and away format – 12 game season fixture No games scheduled during school holidays or long weekends Start times consistent with prior year, unless otherwise stated –Year 2/3 at 8.30am, Year 4/5 at 9.30am and Year 6/7 at 10.30am School participation –Year 2/3 – 8 teams –Year 4/5 – 8 teams –Year 6/7 – 4 teams Nine schools and 20 teams across three age groups Lightning carnival Saturday 15 June 2013 (Year 4/5 and Year 6/7) at City Mazda Stadium Team numbers to be equated prior to the start of play
On 10 August 2013, all Year 2/3 and Year 4/5 games will be played at City Mazda Stadium Premiers Cup Year 6/7 knock out competition – first game 27 July 2013 SANFL Mini League opportunities for all Year 6/7 and Year 4/5 teams Ken Candy Medal (Year 6/7) West Adelaide SASFA Year 4/5 and Year 6/7 will compete in the Interzone Competition against Glenelg, Norwood and Woodville- West Torrens –Player nominations due early June 2013 –Squads capped at 25 players for both squads –Friday night matches 2 August (Happy Valley FC), 9 August (Blackwood FC) and 17 August (TBA)
Scheduling of fixtures influenced by: –Ground availability –Maximising sequential school play in Year 2/3, 4/5 and 6/7 –Delegate requests Year 6/7 age group –Combined competition vs. Glenelg SASFA teams –Glenelg SASFA oval locations to be advised to school delegates Code of conduct and responsibilities –Players –Coaches –Team officials –Spectators Cross competition sanction to apply if breaches apply
Communication –West Adelaide SASFA Facebook Site “Like” the page to receive most up to date information –West Adelaide Football Club website There will be no school booklet published for the 2013 season
Modified Rules – General Modified rules specific year levels Reportable Offences General Umpires
Prime objectives of West Adelaide SASFA are to: –Maximise participation for as many players as possible –Provide football environments with an emphasis on enjoyment –Focus of football is on skill development –Ensure player safety and adherence to the code of conduct –Provide a football pathway for primary school aged footballers
Drew Grosser West Adelaide / Glenelg - Umpires Supervisor West Adelaide SASFA Coaches Information Evening
Modified Rules - General
–Cannot kick the ball off the ground –Ball out of bounds –Players cannot take possession of the ball at ball-ups –Barging is not permitted –Goal scored from ‘Accidental’ kick off the ground will be deemed to have been touched –Kick off from a behind Players cannot ‘Play On’ Playing ball to themselves (Possession Rule) –Mercy rule
Modified Rules - General No gloves –Unless medical requirement –Examined and approved by umpire prior to game –Focus on basic skill development Sprig requirements Drew’s participation rule –Player could get free for being on oval (Year 2/3)
Modified Rules - Year 2/3
Modified Rules – Year 2/3’s Encourages basic skill development No tackling contact, only form of tackling is blocking Once a player has possession, the ball cannot be snatched or stolen No smothering a players kick The player with the ball will be given every opportunity to give a clear disposal 1 bounce (5m)
Modified Rules – Year 2/3’s Umpires nominate players to contest ball-ups Marks –Body behind the ball –Two hands over-head –Extra special effort ‘Passive’ shepherding is permitted – No “Blocking” 1 or 2 coaches on the ground at all times for “Coaching purposes” 4x 10min 1/4’s
Modified Rules – Year 2/3’s Up to 15 players (3 in the middle) No distance penalty Mercy rule = 6 Goals Zones marked with cones on boundary line 6 backs, 3 centres, 6 forwards Application will be as a guide only Infringements will only be paid for obvious and blatant infringements Free kick will be awarded for a kick travelling from one end zone to the other without being touched by a ‘centre zone’ player Setting oval – don’t make centre zone too large
Modified Rules – Year 4/5
Modified Rules – Year 4/5’s 4x 12 min 1/4’s Max 15 players (3 players in the middle) Encourages basic skill development Can steal the ball, cannot slap the ball 1 bounce (10m) ‘Passive’ shepherding is permitted – NO “Blocking” A mark is awarded irrespective of how far the ball travelled Distance penalty = 10m Umpire selects ruckman – equal size (may be because haven’t had a kick yet) Mercy rule = 8 goals Coach may enter playing arena for “coaching purposes” - no folders
Modified Rules – Year 4/5’s ‘Hold’ tackle to continue Applied with one or two hands to the front, side or rear of the jumper –Once applied, the tackler can hold the player with the ball –Player with the ball has 3 seconds to dispose of the ball –Umpire will call “hold” and count down 3…2…1 –If the tackle is broken, another player may ‘hold’ the ball player with the original count continuing –Only one ‘tackler’ is permitted at any time Bounce prior to “hold” tackle being applied is prior opportunity and the player with the ball will be immediately penalised
Modified Rules – Year 4/5’s When applied there is strictly no bumping, slinging or bringing the player to ground Grabbing the arms or applying a wrap-around tackle is not permitted Player of the opposition is permitted to smoother the kick
Modified Rules – Year 6/7
Modified Rules – Year 6/7’s Tackling is permitted –No “slinging” or dumping –Big difference between a Year 6 & a Year 7 One ruckman only to contest a ball up around the ground Ruckman jumping with knees up Bumps to side of body only 2 bounces (15m) Distance penalty = 25m Mercy rule = 10 Goals Can use a ‘runner’ for “coaching purposes”
Reportable Offences
Minor offences Applicable for players and officials Swearing Free kick or distance penalty Player sent from ground for an interval as determined by the umpire (cool off period) Major offences Sent off for the remainder of the match Striking, kicking, abuse (racial, religious) Player refusing to leave oval will result in match termination
Players sent from the ground can be replaced –Maximise number of players who want to play within the rules to do so –Off until end of a 1/4 (umpires discretion as to how many) West Adelaide SASFA expectations of players sent from the ground –Report will be lodged to monitor trends –School to deal with general instances (schools reputation) in conjunction with school delegate and Junior Football Development Manager –Cross competition sanctions / SANFL
Players learning and will make mistakes So will umpires Young men and women –Used to being in the classroom –Find themselves instructing and in charge Takes a full season to learn skills Mentoring program – may have games with 2 umpires for training purposes
Green Shirt Policy Adopted by Department of Recreation and Sport Used in Soccer, Hockey, Basketball Encouragement only permitted
Adult Goal Umpires –Expect to follow code of conduct –Officials of the game –Support and encourage (in an unbiased way) Players and umpires –Come to centre at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 & full time Coaches role to instil discipline for behind play instances etc. Officials and parents are not to approach umpires Feedback on umpiring performances through myself or school delegate –Drew Grosser Mobile
Ken Candy Medal
Awarded to the Year 6/7 SASFA player who demonstrates outstanding attributes of: –Sportsmanship –Leadership –Fairness –Team Play The officiating umpire will award votes on a 3, 2 and 1 basis Any player who has been reported or sent off by the officiating umpire in any game during the season will not be eligible to win the medal. The Junior Football Development Manager will also use his discretion to determine eligibility for incidents reported on game day.
General Safety
Safety –Fixed goal posts to be padded –Oval to be in safe condition –Bleeding players to leave the playing arena immediately Adult Goal Umpires –Safety, protection against disputed decisions Coaches to stand outside boundary line and not permitted to take a folder to inside playing field Where difficulty occurs fielding full numbers, both coaches and team managers must agree to assist to equate player numbers
Questions & Answers