The different types of goals in ads are 1.Promote Brand Recall 2.Recall Attribute with Brand Name 3.Instil Brand Preference 4.Scare the Consumer into Action 5.Social Branding 6.Transformational 7.Persuade the Consumer 8.Define the Brand Image 9.Direct Response
There are nine different kinds of advertising appeals which are used to form an effective advertisement. 1.Repetition 2.Slogans and Jigles 3.Feel-good Ad appeal 4.Sex Appeal 5.Humour Appeal 6.Fear Appeal 7.Anxiety Appeal 8.Slice of life Appeal 9.Fantasy Appeal
GOAL Instil brand preference APPEAL Feel good appeal
GOAL Recall attribute with brand name APPEAL Humour appeal
GOAL Recall attribute with brand name APPEAL Fantasy sexual
GOAL Promote brand recall Recall with brand attribute APPEAL Sexual
GOAL Recall attribute with brand name Persuade the concumer APPEAL Slice of life
GOAL Instil brand preference APPEAL Feel good fantasy