Welcome to Rabbits’ Class
What will a day be like for my child in Year 1? 8:55 – Miss Phillips will collect Rabbits from the playground. 9:00 – Register. 9:10 – Phonics 9:30 – Individual or guided reading 9:50 – Either literacy or maths input. 10:10 – Small group work and independent learning activities. 10:30 – Assembly 10:50 – Playtime 11:05 – Continued group work and independent learning activities. 11:50 – Big Maths or story. 12:05 – Lunch 1:15 – PM register followed by: Topic, Science, ICT, Music, RE or PE. 2:40 – Afternoon play 3:25 – Home – Children will be brought to the front Reception door for collection.
Some things Rabbits learnt about this year:
Farming and Harvest
Phonics Children will be regularly assessed and put in to small groups for daily phase-specific teaching. Children who are not making good progress in phonics will receive booster sessions. Please help your child at home by practising their sounds as much as possible. In June, all Year 1 children will take part in the phonics screening check.
Phase 2 and 3 sounds
Let’s play some games! In school we use to support our teaching. It is full of good activities that the children are used to using. There are many other websites that offer similar games: es.html
Teaching maths To allow us to better meet the children’s needs, Mrs Broom or Sandra and I will often split the class to deliver more child-focused maths teaching. The core of our teaching will focus on improving your child’s understanding of number. We count forwards and backwards from any number to 20 and beyond. We count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We read, write and order numbers. We learn our Hearts in Love to 10 and 20. Most of our maths is taught through practical activities and games, often physically solving problems using hands-on resources.
To enable us to match our teaching closely to the children’s needs, we will continue to work with small groups of children in turn, while others participate in independent learning activities. The key difference between Reception and Year One, will be that the children may not choose to opt out of the group work. We will gradually develop the children’s independent working skills throughout the year, in preparation for Year 2.
Reading Our aim is to instil a love of reading in your child. We will share and explore a range of books and link them our learning across the curriculum. We love to see books from home that are linked to our topics! Whilst progression through the reading scheme is important, it is more important that your child is able to get the most out of the books that they read. Children should be able to read with around 90% accuracy to support their enjoyment of reading, and answer and ask questions about what they have read. Children can ask to change their books whenever they need them (although preferably not at the very end of the day), however, please make sure that you have had the time to fully discuss the text before it is changed. An adult will hear your child read at least twice a week in 1:1 or small group reading, and more when we can. We welcome parent volunteers to help us to hear readers.
Please help your child by following our Year 1 expectations: We ask that children read at home every day. Children need to practise their sounds as often as possible – daily if your child finds it difficult. Families talk about maths and numbers at home, and children have the opportunity to develop their skills. For example: using money, talking about time, days of the week and months etc, measuring weights and liquids in the kitchen. Have fun! Coats or waterproof jackets are always brought to school in case of wet play / outdoor learning – the children will go out for at least a short while in most weathers. PE kits are brought in on the first day of every half term and taken home at the end of each half term for washing.
Family project Who is in my family? Where do we live? Where are the people in my family from? What makes my family interesting or special? (Tell us something we didn’t know). What did my grandparents / great grandparents do in the past? Or What was life like for them?
Reading Miles Passport Challenge – How far can you travel? The Reading Miles passport is a way for pupils to record the amount that they are reading and track their progress through the Reading Miles Global Challenge. 5 minutes of reading is the equivalent of 500 reading miles, and every time a pupil reads for a 5 minute block, the person who is supervising their reading, whether it’s a parent/carer, other family member or a member of staff at school, must mark this off in the passport – with a tick, their initials, a sticker, or whatever they choose.Reading Miles Global Challenge We will hold an assembly in September to see how far the children have travelled and hand out rewards for their achievements.
Thank you for coming! Any questions, please just ask.