Road Safety projects HIB: Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Cambodia till Agenda and minutes
Program HI RS projects in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia Best practices Key competences RS aproach of HI RS projects in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia Other countries Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
GOOD PRACTICES Data collection
RTAVIS Cambodia experience of CMVIS small start: PP in collaboration with traffic police, hospital and private clinics (first form) - march 2004 direct contact police in each district direct contact hospitals (contract) to country: Ministries of Health and Interior national level datacollection form: 6 workshops with ministries about content of form – december 2004, april 2005 decision: RTAVIS will not be HI project but of ministries formal agreement (MoH, MoI and MPWT) launching ceremony (in ministry) - june 2005 trainings of TP officers of 24 provinces and hospital staff of 14 provinces (training by RTAVIS staff and representatives of MoH and MoI)
RTAVIS 2 - Cambodia report by RTAVIS staff edited and reviewed by RS project coordinator (Jean till now) 200 reports sent monthly about 20 replies per month (from ‘thank you’ to questions) agreement with NRSC freedom for HI to write monthly reports yearly report approval of ministries ‘carte de visite’ before project started: there was already information
Lessons RTAVIS Cambodia small start: ministries should have been informed not to pay the hospital from the beginning find local partners that take over some responsibility (e.g. partners already involved in health system, like BTC) external consultants can be used for messages that are unwanted or not popular (short period, not dependent on country, be clear about ‘risk’)
(Possible) problems 1 Police does not want others involved in statistics If there are statistics not allowed to distribute (or with permission) Classification of data (problem in vietnam) Giving correct information in media can mean partner does not want to continue (with messages they don’t like to hear) Using hospital data or mentioning under registration can be interpreted as police not doing their job very well (relation with police) Who does the system belong to? Connection of databases (double entry detection) (Convince headquarter, donors: small budget but a lot of work can be done) Information given by government is not correct
(Possible) solutions Information given by government is not correct: use RS Action Plan. They mention collaboration. everybody does his work. information of hospital sent to police. They can do what they want with it. Integration depends much on relation with partners. Step by step. start at the level where contact are good, easy (not top, but bottom). Some police from other district called, asked for software and training, but unofficial. Police itself not satisfied as well, but afraid of officials. Work together with partners that want to change. Accept slow steps. Give information to the willing about other countries that use information in correct way (role model) e.g. Singapore, Cambodia. Work with the lower levels show success story to higher level. (note: HI is not able to change government) Good example RS performance: first small district, now province wants to use it in their action plan (own money)
Where to position RTAVIS?: proposal for Cambodia Public health facilties Private clinics Traffic police/ National police CRC data gatherers Other sources Ministry of Health Injury Surveillance System Road traffic accidents Mine/UXO accidents Falls/drowning/domestic violence... RTAVIS office CMVIS office Other Ministry of Interior National Database MPWT MoI NRSC role: data collection and analyzes additional data entry data entry
VN: Classification of accident since 1995 In Vietnam the classifcation is not according to international standards: –Fatal – More than 2 people death, injury:1 people with degree of disablement between 21-30% and fortune lost from 5-15 tonnes of rice –Serious- 1 or 2 death or 1 injury with degree of disablement between 21-30% and fortune lost from 5-15 tonnes of rice –Few serious – Degree of disability of the total of the victims is from 21-30% and the fortune lost is from 5-15 tonnes of rice. –Slight- fortune lost <1 tonne of rice or degree of disablement 1 or several people with degree of disablement for 1 people <= 5% and the total <= 21%) Slight cases are not considered as road accident, but as collision. this means they are not recorded in official accident statistics.
Problems with data collection Vietnam Legality: Based on the decree 14/2003/ND-CP * Some Remark of the decree The people committee has no role on the road accident analysis however in the organigram the vice president of People Committee is responsible about the sensitization of RS policy. Traffic police is totally responsible about the road accident statistic and analysis (however the decree assign that it must be in collaboration with the ministry of TaPWs) The Transportation and public works office is not responsible on the road accident costing as well as their damage regarding country economic. (* Houtrans JICA-research)
Curriculum of Cambodia
Education Cambodia Revision of curriculum of primary schools Cambodia Cambodia two parts –main program integrated in social sciences (4 – 5 hours) –local life skill program (10 hours) Secondary school –in development, cooperation with educating New Zealand and ministries. –cooperation with RCR: First Aid and traffic How to make guest from the hospital more interesting: some basic first aid information?
Vietnam Vietnam two parts – primary school –main program integrated in national road safety curriculum (10 hours): HI developed new content for three districts in HCMC and teaching skills –extra program (hours not defined) e.g. road safety show Secondary school –2 hours, but no curriculum –only extra program –develop extra curriculum first and wait for the ministry to finish curriculum for the 2 hours. Red Cross lessons about FA: HI added RS (conform strategy HI: use existing structures e.g. add RS to geografy lessons, etc)
Questions, remarks Where should pedestrians walk? Face to the cars. Not agreed on with in official documents. Opinion is often that children have to walk on sidewalk but if there is no sidewalk? This is difficult in teaching situations. In Vietnam pedestrians have to walk close to the sidewalk, but no side is mentioned. From point of view of road safety it is better to teach the children to face the cars.... Cyclist motorcycles have to get of on the side of the road. use of left en right is confusing for small children. Use other ways like: look good to both sites carefully Mirrors for motorcycles, reflectors or light for bicycles
Difficulties, possibilities To involve police letter from MoI: schools can use it when they ask police. Ministry does not promote RS in local life skill yet. Teacher have to be trained, etc The curricula are already very full: subject has to be considered necessary. (Vietnam) national curriculum is full. There is no time for extra lessons. parents, etc more interested in mathematics, English, literature not RS RS as part of other lessons is easier. Teachers do not consider it their role to teach RS. Strict curriculum: always the same, for every teacher. difficult to integrate new ideas. Teachers have very little knowledge: teacher training needed.
Difficulties 2 At a lot of schools children expect something when they participate. A common idea is that you have to give something (t-shirt, etc) to student if the answer simple question. Problem in Laos, vietnam (less) Specially (secondary) highschool. HI should try not to get involved in this. Teachers are not always capable to control the students. Teaching skills not very strong. Especially on average schools. Complex situation to develop a curriculum. Different departments (primary, secondary, highschool, etc) and often also a pedagogical institute are involved. Also different levels: national level, provincial, How to spend the money if things are not moving at all?
RS in main program: –make RS part of other curricula –requirements: good relation with MoE, right moment (change of curriculum) –train teacher how to introduce RS in other curricula Extra program –official extra program –free to choose: road safety show (e.g. assisted by HI) To reach young high school student is difficult (if you can not get into curriculum) lot of possibilities for awareness raising activities, also with other partners. approval on higher level sometimes required, can be useful. Practical Road Safety lessons –One Road Safety Park for more schools –Practical Road Safety lessons in the schoolyard Safe school zones: cooperation of teachers, student, parents Lessons learned preferred
Direct Management Indirect management Diagram of Education Agencies HCMC National level Provincial level Ministry of Education & Training Goverment Binh Tan Education & Training Dept. Education & Training Dept of Distrist 12 Ho Chi Minh Service of Education & Training 09 Primary school (Grade 1 – 5) 08 Secondary & High schools (Grade ) 16 Primary schools 9 Secondary schools 03 High school s
Awareness tools VietnamLaosCambodia TVbig impact (events)low impact, cost are considered to high usd = effective Radiomore effective newspaper Billboards, posters, banners possibleexpensive, difficult Stands, events, tuk tuk Village visits make government angry impact not easy to asses RS policy Trainings (top, public) Leaflets CD, VCD Stickers, t-shirts Helmet distributionlimitedvisible national impact local impact
Helmets in Laos
Helmets Should HI provide helmets? For free or with reduction? What kind of helmets? What kind of helmets people (different target groups) like? Why provide helmets (for free or with reduction): –PR –part of actions –as starting tool, not for long term (others can take over, commercial helmet sale )
Helmets HI should: –Initiate improvement of helmet quality and helmet use in the country (good example, discussion government, self regulation market) –Use helmet distribution as tool within existing HI activity –Encourage stakeholders to provide or buy good quality helmets –Try to create helmet market (not selling by HI) –Advice to other companies on helmets –Use corporate partnerships/sponsorships –HI should not be used for other publicity purposes (win-win) For free? or reduction? –Selling can not be main activity, careful with selling –Depends on activity –Depends on donor conditions
Helmets HI logo used by Helmet producers as ‘quality tool’ (risk if used on bad helmets) (example of Cambodia) HI should not to be associated with one brand On publicity material: brand should not be visible –not to be accused of getting steekpenningen Quality of the helmet important –HI ‘quality norms’ (local standards if good, or American) –When HI buys or orders helmets, HI asks for American standards. Use object standards. –Risk of copies, look-alikes of good quality helmets Role of government in technical standards, also helmets (often part of NRSC). Use self regulation of shops
Events (school, stand-alone) Situation in HCMC, Vietnam –First pilot in the departments then project in the city –Nice, additional, something school can not do themselves –Organized by government partners, with help (advice, coordination) of HI –HI prefers to be involved in a few activities, but in those chosen by the government Impact? –how to evaluate –what is effect compared to TV spots Time investment, coordination, etc Government has to be asking partner Use activities (like events) for research –questionnaire for quiz provides information about knowledge: can be very effective
Road Safety show in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Village visit in Vientiane, Laos
Banners in Vientiane, Laos
TV, radio, newspaper DJ talks about RS TV: big audience (price depends on country) TV programmers, dj’s have to promote RS themselves (provide info etc). No HI visibility (visibility is needed for access to government, for donors). Important role for local staff with knowledge of RS Risk: Wrong presentation of information, only part of the story Journalists need articles: take advantage of this –provide material about RS they can write about –press releases –press conferences –HI as expert
General remarks Use marketing strategies: different media (60, 80% in most effective medium, rest in other media) Events to participate in September is RS month in Vietnam HI provides material when it is needed Worldwide: –April 2007 first RS week of the UN –3th Sunday of November: RTA victim remembrance day (RTA victim association)
Role of the ‘field’ in RS? The role is : –Generalists NOT experts or specialists (in road design, school curricula, etc) –Advocacy –Coordinating on national, regional and international level –Using existing structures –Improve the situation –Encourage or train those that want to do something –Find resources for capacity building (government, awareness, education programs, etc) –Find ways to involve civil society, citizens, etc..... And increase their knowledge –Start the engine (who keeps it running? When?) HI Road Safety KEY COMPETENCES
Role of the Headquarter Short term (asap) –give clear direction about what HQ wants on RS: is RS part of HIB strategy? –lobby and advocacy on RS (existing person Policy unit) –road safety coordinator: HQ or regional? Who? –send experts to look at the projects (partner, HI staf learns) –send expertise from (or by) the HQ On the long term (when expanding): –knowledge about RS projects of HI and being able to produce documents, explaining activities –knowledge about RS experts (Europe, international) –funding –define strategy Regional contacts (ADB, etc) –regional coordinator (if existing) –define account manager (from the countries in the region) HI Road Safety STRATEGY
General remarks What should be the goal of HIB within a country? –Start engine and hand over –Strategy of maximum of five years and go somewhere else? HI strategy within one country should be clear –exit or not exit, stay or leave –1 HI organization working on road safety (not HIB and HIF and HI....) How to get the government involved without paying them to do their job: –equipment request –per diem –indemnity HI Road Safety STRATEGY
How to start a RS project? 1 1.choice of country country has no financial and technical means there is a need (based on discussion with experts, etc) assess the need (internet, international literature) 1.request from country or person (informal discussion to check) 2.partnership with organizations with RS program (WHO in Africa) advantage: funding for start 2.First assessment 1.if it is a HI country: pre-defined checklist for first assessment by HI country team 2.if not HI country: select somebody (from the HI RS team, external) to do assessment HI Road Safety STRATEGY
How to start a RS project? 2 1.find authorized government partners in the field of RS 2.define priorities (matching to the country context) 3.match them with HI competences and experiences 4.define program –define strategy –define fields of intervention –identify partners and their role –identify resources needed (human, material) –identify beneficiaries –define short term results and long term results 5.look for money HI Road Safety STRATEGY
How to start a RS project? 3 Key elements: Make the problem clear: data Look for authorized government partner Do not underestimate local resources A lot of impact can be reached with small budget (even on national scale) Be ambitious but realistic (ambition can be a good motivator) Evaluate and show results Two start scenarios: Start in small area but with full RS package Start in bigger area with limited range of fields of intervention HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Fields of intervention Education/awareness –extensive knowledge Engineering –no knowledge about Enforcement –how to implement the new law (e.g. ask italy about helmet law), encouragement Encouragement –government, other partners Evaluation –database, project evaluations Emergency –first aid training, networks bold = experience underlined = a little bit of experience Use best practice from other countries Generalist should refer to good specialists HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Strategy (general) use small projects, show good examples, government can make it part of own policy. –HI is not mentioned anymore (difficult for funding, how to tell what you have done) easy visible results –use of existing network –model projects (RS park) policy –use of existing structure fit to the context: –for a lot of countries: low cost, easy to reproduce, time efficient policy visible results HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Awareness strategy Use marketing tools –ask PSI for training (specialized in social marketing in developing countries) Use campaigns for lobby and advocacy objectives Research can be used for focus in awareness strategy (can help to discuss item with ‘the top’) Two levels –top (general awareness, research, experience exchange) –bottom (general awareness) HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Training - government Training on the job TOT Focus on government not invited by ADB etc Relation building Training within the own country Training of people daily involved in RS Training of government (but by others) Intermediary role: –knowledge of programs, look for partners, training possibilities –propose people to apply for programs (long term, short term scholarships) Use money from other sources –create partnership, alliances with universities HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Training– professionals 1 To create a long term and sustainable training capacity inside the country (RS in engineering department university, management school, etc) –partnerships with universities and educational institutions abroad Identify and mediate for short term courses to be held within the country –formalize: list with possibilities (regional) Identify and/or provide specific training for trainers core group (TOT) HI staff (important to have the expert role) challenge levels under national level persons daily working on road safety (also on national level) persons not speaking English (TOT approach) HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Training –professionals 2 Training with education institute within the country –Capacity building of local professionals –Capacity building university personnel Focus on: –Basic safety principles –Analyses of the country –Basic safety measures Need for better idea about good and weak points of traffic system and traffic behaviour within the country How to deal with ideas from the different countries advising (sweden, japan, netherlands, ) Need for experts once in a while for discussion on RS with HI staff, involved government and local partners HI Road Safety STRATEGY
Role of the Headquarter Find resources for capacity building (government, awareness, education programs, etc) Find funding On the long term (when expanding): RS expert for international contacts (content, network of experts, funding) Regional contacts Indicators –HQ, own project evaluation –Donors HI Road Safety STRATEGY