Fraser Public Schools Strategic Planning Committee Goal #1 - Customized Learning
Goal Statement FPS will implement and monitor customized learning for our learners.
Current Reality Learning is 24/7 within the school year. The classroom make up has shifted from lecture style setup to collaborate environment through the implementation of digital technologies (iPads, Apple TV, Sound Systems, Promethean Boards, etc.)
Benchmark #1 Learning is not just within our school buildings, but takes places 24/7. Evidence: District wide Learning Management System that provides connection to personalized lessons from any location. Professional Learning : Blackboard Training Resources : Students keep iPads throughout summer? And PD time for staff. Owners: Administrators and Staff
Benchmark #2 Teachers will personalize the learning experience through a wide range of physical and virtual resources for classroom delivery. Evidence: District wide usage of Safari Montage. Professional Learning: Online Learning and PD Time for Staff. Resources: Safari Montage Owners: Curriculum, Principals, and 21 st Century Literacy Teachers
Benchmark #3 Student learning is flexible in terms of time and space. Evidence: Reinvented learning spaces. Professional Learning: Classroom Management Training and Modern Teacher Professional Development. Resources: Professional Development; Monies for furniture. Owners:
Benchmark #4 Students manage their own learning through a personalized curriculum. Evidence: Digital Badges and Gaming. Staff implement a digital badges system within the learning environment, and students are motivated to move through at their own pace to earn badges. Professional Learning : Grade level Professional Development Resources: Digital Badge Training and PD Time for staff Owners: Teachers
Benchmark #5 Teachers as architects who design lessons that are engaging and rigorous. Evidence: Electronic portal of lessons located on an a district wide Learning Management System. Professional Learning :Modern Teacher Professional Development Resources: Book Study Time and PD for staf Owners:
Benchmark #6 Teachers share best practice. Evidence: Teachers are sharing and using each others lessons. They are not creating all of their own content. Teachers practice Lesson Study to share lessons and increase classroom rigor. Professional Learning: Lesson Study Resources: 21 st Century Teachers Professional Development and Grade Level PD. Owners:
Degrees of Achievement
Next Steps... Continue to flush out objectives/benchmarks. Work on evidence of success. Build connections with other goal areas.