By Travis Williamson Period 3
TSS is a severe disease that involves fever, shock, and problems with the function of several body organs It is uncommon, but very serious bacterial infection, originally linked to the use of tampons, but is now know to also be linked to birth control methods such as the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm.
1. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (staf-uh-luh-kok-uhs - awr-ee-ahy) Associated with the use of tampons. Exact connection is unknown, but it is suspected that types of high- absorbancy tampons provide a place where bacteria could thrive. 2. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) never follows a simple streptococcus throat infection (strep throat) invades areas of injured skin
Confusion Diarrhea General ill-feeling Headaches High fever, sometimes accompanied by chills Low blood pressure Muscle aches Nausea and vomiting Organ failure (usually kidneys and liver) Redness of eyes, mouth, throat Seizures Widespread red rash that looks like a sunburn
Doctors typically run blood tests to determine liver and kidney function levels. May want to rule out measles or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Test skin around area to determine bacteria type.
Typically treated with antibiotics. Abscesses or pockets of infection may need to be drained. Steroids are used in extreme cases Children with TSS are monitored until stabilized.