Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Lesson Two Waiting for the Police.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Lesson Two Waiting for the Police

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Setting This story is set in a boarding house where life, especially evening life, is notoriously dull for the odd collection of people who live there. But one of the guests manages to think of something which does stir up quite a bit of interest.

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Characters Mrs. Mayton landlady try to keep everyone talking Mr. Monty Smith keep any ball rolling Miss Wicks oldest knitting all the time as polite as pale

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Characters Bella not particularly smart Mr. Calthrop Mr. Penbury have a chilling effect possess a brain middle-aged walk in sleep, doze all the time young lovely eccentric intelligent

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Structure Part I (Paras. 1—11) Part II (Paras. 12—33) Part III (Paras. 34—88) Part IV (Paras. 89—91) Mr. Penbury direct a general rehearsal of their alibis while waiting for the police. an idle discussion about where Mr. Wainwright has gone and serving to introduce the characters who live in the boarding-house. Mr. Penbury announces that Mr. Wainwright is dead. a suspense ending

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Humor The author skillfully mixed humorous elements in his story, which help to make the characterization and the plot more vivid and interesting. Read the following examples from the text and try to analyze the humorous effects.

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Humor She had knitting for seventy years, and looked good for another seventy. (Hyperbole is used to achieve humor) He was as polite as he was pale. (be polite because of being pale) Bella was the boarding-house lovely, but no one taken advantage of the fact. (No one is interested in her)

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Humor “Only one?” I answered “You’re luckier than I am.” (self-mockery to imply a lot people hate him) She had promised to knit at her funeral. (Is it possible to do sth. at one’s own funeral?) “But let me suggest that you give the statement to the police with slightly less emphasis.” (the satirical tone to imply that he might no be telling the truth.)

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L conform deform misinform perform reform transform formation format form: form: the shape and structure of an object inform: in 在 内 +form 形状;在心里造成形状就引申为通知 …… 符合,使一致 变形 告知错误的信息 履行,执行 改革,重新组成 转换,使 变形 形成,构成,编队 格式,形式,版式 ……

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L scribe: scribe: from Late Latin “scrĪe” : to write :写,记下 ascribe describe inscribe prescribe subscribe transcribe 归因于,归咎于 描写,记述,形容 记下 指示,规定,开药 订阅,签署 转录

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW Lerupt rupt: from Latin “rumpere” : to break abrupt bankrupt erupt corrupt disrupt interrupt rupture 突然,陡峭的 破产 喷出,爆发 腐烂,堕落 使中断,使破裂 打断,中断 破裂,裂开

Lesson 2—Waiting for the Police BTLEW L Suffix— -mit: Latin suffix: to send 呈交,放开 admit: ad-=to 向,对 admit commit emit remit transmit 允许,接纳 把 ······ 交托给,提交 发出,放射 汇出,传送 传输,传达