C H I L D H O O D D A YS Marc Jacobs is one of the most sort after and quirky New York fashion designers of the day. Born in New York on April 9, 1963 he spent most of his childhood Living with his Grandmother. His father had died and he did not get on with his Mother. And although living in the wealthy upper west side just around the corner form john Lennon He was always a more downtown boy at heart.
E d u c a t I o n Jacobs attended the High School of Art and Design. While in school, he worked as a stock boy at the popular New York boutique, Charivari. After finishing high school, he continued his education at Parsons School of Design, also in New York City. While attending Parsons, he designed and sold his first line of hand knit sweaters at Charivari. During his time at Parsons, Jacobs won three significant awards. The first was the Perry Ellis Gold Thimble Award, followed by the Chester Weinberg Gold Thimble Award, and finally the Design Student of the Year Award, all in 1984.
F I r s t C o l l e c t I o n While still at Parsons, Jacobs designed And sold his first line of hand knit sweaters. His first collection that he designed was for Reuben Thomas, Inc. under the Sketchbook Label in the Charivari boutique, which he also worked for.. At this time in 1984, Jacobs formed his partnership with Robert Duffy, Jacobs Duffy Designs Inc., which continues to this day. In 1986, backed by Kashiyama USA, Inc., Jacobs designed his first collection bearing the Marc Jacobs label. In 1987, Jacobs received the distinct honour of being the youngest designer to be awarded the fashion industries highest tribute: The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) Perry Ellis Award for new fashion talent
G o I n g I n t o b u s I n e s s Marc Jacobs and Robert Duffy joined Perry Ellis. In Marc being the Vice president he was able to design the women's collections and again was awarded with a great honour be the ‘Council of fashion designers in America.’ the women's designer of the year. Following this he was sacked after designing a ‘grunge’ collection. He is now the artist director for Louis Vuitton a position he assumed in 1997.
B e g I n n l n g o f h l s o w n l i n e s At Vuitton Marc Jacobs has created such notable collaborations such as Stephen Sproguser’s graffiti bags, Takashi Mulrakam’s pastel-colored accessories, and the first ready-to-wear line marketed under the Louis Vuitton imprimatur (designed by Jacobs). His own clothing lines, Marc Jacobs and the less expensive diffusion line Marc By Marc Jacobs (which he created in 2000), are also extremely popular.
M a r c B y M a r c J a c o b s Jacobs launched his namesake line in 1986 and then in 2001 debuted another critically acclaimed collection, Marc by Marc Jacobs, a collection of comparatively affordable edgy and retro mass-market pieces. Bright colours, oversize prints, layered looks, empire lines, rugby stripes, oversize bows and buttons and pretty, And prom-like party dresses Ready To Wear Spring/07 collection
M a r c J a c o b s b a g s This years collection saw an array of different bags many with hefty price tags which hasn’t swayed fans from purchasing the bags. one that was on everyone's mind was the purple Carolyn crocodile skin hand bag with a price tag of $30,000 Taking influences from Channel but adding his own personal touch that make it original, like big chains and padlocks on his oversized metallic bags Spring Collection 2007
L o n d o n s t o r e o p e n I n g London fashion week this year was happy to hear that Marc Jacobs would be to show his collection younger Marc not only has he never shown outside of New York he is to open a store In Selfridges, Mount street London on the same day. Many people stereotype London fashion week as scruffy and is miles apart from Milan New York and Paris.
M a r c J a c o b ‘s p e r f u m e Marc Jacobs not only designs and is successful in clothing but also has his own range perfumes and aftershaves are easy to wear and some could say fit in with his collections
M a r c J a c o b S h o e s It wouldn’t be a collection with a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes weather it’s a pair of Mary Janes, flats, vans or a pair of wedged heels Marc Jacobs can never go wrong
I n f l u e n c e s One of the questions fashion experts are most frequently asked is: "How do trends happen? How is that so many designers seem to come up with the same look at the same time?" The reality is that a handful of designers set the fashion agenda and lead the way for everyone else, and Jacobs is at the forefront of this design industry. With his first influence being his grandmother he has a lot to thank her for She taught him how to knit at an early age and only shopping in certain shops paved The way to Marc Jacobs success in the fashion industry