Ethnic Groups in East Sussex
Since 2001, East Sussex has become more ethnically diverse and at a faster rate than nationally. Population Change by ethnic group in East Sussex
Economic Migrants – A8 Percentage of National Insurance Registrations from Eastern European “A8” countries in 2006/7 by District
Minority Ethnic Pupils on Roll in Eastbourne (Numbers) Note: Minority Ethnic pupils includes all pupils classified as belonging to an ethnic group other than White British Source: School Census, January 2007
Minority Ethnic Pupils on Roll in Eastbourne (%) Note: Minority Ethnic pupils includes all pupils classified as belonging to an ethnic group other than White British Source: School Census, January 2007, DCSF Statistical First Release
Minority Ethnic Pupils by Area Planning Group (%) Source: School Census, January 2007
Minority Ethnic Pupils Trends (%) Source: School Census, January 2007
English as an Additional Language Pupils supported by TEALS Source: TEALS (November 2007)
School pupils by ethnic group in 2006/7 East Sussex School Census
’ Discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers appears to be the last ‘respectable’ form of racism’ 2003 Committee for Race Equality (CRE) now Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
“… probably the most severely deprived children in the country.” “… the children’s educational needs are nevertheless extreme and largely unmet…” Plowden Report “… of the four focus groups in this survey, Gypsy Traveller pupils are the group most at risk in the education system.” “Teacher expectations of Gypsy Traveller pupils are generally unreasonably low.” “… the level of hostility faced by Gypsy Traveller children is probably greater than for any other minority ethnic group.” Ofsted, Raising the attainment of minority ethnic pupils Vulnerable Children
Educational fortunes Irish Travellers and Gypsy/Roma lowest achieving of any ethnic group KS 2 37% point below next group Irish Travellers most excluded. Gypsy/Roma and Afro Caribbean
Close knit social and economic group Proven survival without formal education Close family ties; large and extended families Can live on the edge of the settled community Strict gender roles and moral rules Suspicious of outsiders Culture
Key Stage 2 L4+ English
Key Stage 2 Mathematics L