Mary Ryan Major: Computer Engineering Year: 4 th Hometown: Houston, TX Fun fact: I can rap Iggy’s entire part in Black Widow
Selena Major: BME Year: 3rd Hometown: Katy, TX Fun fact: I have a black belt!
Anuj Kudva, SEC President
What is FEC? To build a tight-knit community of rising students leaders within the school of engineering
Leadership Opportunities to plan and take ownership of events E-Week Corporate Chili Cookoff EXPO Community Involvement
Socials Opportunities to get to know peers in different majors IM sports Blazertag Bowling
Jamie Nalley Longhorn Legislative Aides Application on Hornslink; Due Sun. Sept. 14 th at midnight Freshmen Leadership Organization First Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 4 th, 6pm, JGB First-Year Representative Deadline to file: Tues. Sept. 16 th at 12pm Freshmen Founders | Longhorn Entrepreneurship Agency Info. Session: Tomorrow Sept. 3 rd, TBA, WEL Application available on LEA Facebook Page SG Engineering Representative
Fall Fest FRIDAY!!! Meet outside BUR at 5pm to walk over to Creekside
Upcoming Events Engineering EXPO September 16 th -17 th ECAC Texas Ramps October 11 th Rivals Week November 3 rd -7 th
IM Sports Soccer! Volleyball! Flag football! Sign up at the front!
Join us on Facebook!!! First-Year Engineering Committee