A COMMUNITY LED PLAN FOR BISHOPSTONE? Public Meeting – 18 th October 2012
Programme 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.Background – Mike Ash, Bishopstone Parish Council 3.A Community Led Plan for Bishopstone? – Belinda Fowler,Community First 4.Questions 5.Group Discussions 6.Next Steps
The Issues Whether: do we want to have a plan for Bishopstone – what are the consequences if not? What: if so, what type of plan: (a) one dealing with the physical environment (what buildings or landscape should be conserved, where things might be built, what they are used for, what they look like) eg Neighbourhood Plan, Village Design Statement; (b) one dealing also with wider issues of community concern (bus service, litter, broadband speed, traffic, employment, crime etc) eg Parish Plan? How: who will do the work and how do we involve the whole community?
Background The Broader Picture - Development Plans – Salisbury District Local Plan – Wiltshire Core Strategy Why have a local plan - the Village Survey 2011.
Development Planning Basics Planning permission is required for: “The carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on or over land.”. – Includes the change of use of land and buildings. – There are exceptions – much of agriculture and forestry is not “development”. – Some developments are automatically “permitted”. Local planning authorities must “determine planning applications in accordance with the statutory development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise”. The development plan must “set out the authority’s policies (however expressed) relating to the development and use of land in their area”.
Salisbury District Plan
Wiltshire Core Strategy The Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) covers the whole of Wiltshire (excluding Swindon) and sets out the council's: – spatial vision, – key objectives, – overall principles for development in the County. South Wiltshire Core Strategy adopted 7 February 2012 – will be subsumed in Wiltshire Core Strategy. consultation on Submission Draft closed 2 April 2012 formally approved for submission by Wiltshire Council on 26 June 2012 submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 10 July 2012 for the purpose of initiating an independent public examination further public consultation October/November 2012 examination - Winter 2012/13 adoption- Spring/Summer 2013?
Broad Policies Landscape Development should protect, conserve and where possible enhance landscape character. Proposals for development within or affecting the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), shall have regard to the relevant Management Plans for these areas. – Ensure that where new development is permitted it complements the special qualities of the AONB and takes full account of the area’s setting and context; – Encourage local communities to identify local needs and assist in the conservation and enhancement of local distinctiveness through the preparation and development of Parish Plans, Village Design Statements and other initiatives. Heritage Development should protect, conserve and where possible enhance the historic environment. Designated historic assets and their settings will be conserved, and where appropriate enhanced, including: – iii. buildings and structures of special architectural or historic interest and their settings – iv. the special character or appearance of conservation areas and their settings.
Wilton Community Area
Policy for Bishopstone Submitted Core Strategy: “At the Small Villages development will be limited to infill within the existing built area. Proposals for development will be supported where they seek to meet local housing needs and/or employment, services and facilities provided that the development accords with all policies of the development plan and: i) respects the existing character and form of the settlement ii) the proposal does not elongate the village or impose development in sensitive landscape areas,and iii) does not consolidate an existing sporadic loose knit areas of development related to the settlement.” Revision October 2012: In the submitted strategy "infill” was defined as the filling of a small gap "only large enough for one dwelling". It is now proposed to change this to "large enough for not more than a few dwellings, generally only one dwelling. Exceptions to this approach will only be considered through the neighbourhood plan process.". August Village Design Statements to be a material consideration to be used in the determination of planning applications in the areas they cover.
So, if no local plan is prepared, any application for planning permission will be decided having regard to these criteria. How will they be interpreted in the context of Bishopstone?
Bishopstone Village Survey % response rate 95% rely on use of a car 43% over 65 years 90% feel part of the community
BISHOPSTONE VILLAGE SURVEY LIKES Countryside/ Landscape/Environment Walks/Access to countryside Peace and tranquillity Close to Salisbury Community spirit/active community Friendly people Varied village Safe Rural community with minimal new development
BISHOPSTONE VILLAGE SURVEY DISLIKES Lack of a village shop No centre to the village Speeding on main and side roads Poor public transport Social imbalances in village Slow internet access Poor mobile phone signal Constant building which delays traffic Not enough for youth/young children to do.
BISHOPSTONE VILLAGE SURVEY 2011 HOUSING & PLANNING ISSUES YES NO Will any member of your household need a house within the next 5 years ? Is there need for additional “affordable” housing ? 7372 Would you be in favour of the preparation of a Parish Plan ?