The Sociocultural Environment. Management in a Workplace
Social Values Many U.S managers fail to realize that the value and behaviors that typically govern how business is done in the US. Don’t translate to the rest of the world. Value Dimension: 1.Power Distance 2. Uncertainty avoidance 3. Individualism and collectivism 4. Masculinity and feminity.
Global Project Value Dimensions 1. Assertiveness. 2. Future orientation. 3. Uncertainty Avoidance. 4. Uncertainty Avoidance. 5. Power distance. 6. Societal Collectivism. 7. Individual Collectivism. 8. Performance Orientation. 9. Humane Orientation.
VOCABULARY MEANINGS INDIVIDUALISM: Preference for a loosely knit social framework in they are expected to take care. COLLECTIVISM: Social framework in which individuals look after one another LONG TERM ORIENTATION SHORT TERM ORIENTATION
Class Activity As a group we will be answering How well do you play the Culture Game? Reading Comprehension On the job Video Case Page 518. HOMEWORK STUDENTS WILL RESEARCH WHAT IS THE CONTEXT