Draft of Course Work Moving Platform for Helsinki Testbed Mr. Paavo J. Airaksinen VIMS/HydroMet Vaisala Solutions Fixed HTB site (Orrengrund) Example of a moving platform (Virolahti-Helsinki)
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 2 Ship station for HTB? 1.Could we add frequent data gathering from marine environment? 2.Requirements of mesoscale observing network vs. operational practices. 3.Is WXT510 good enough for marine environment, which is "hostile"? If so, maintenance needs in long run? 4.Limiting the work task, so that ther'll be stuff before Easter/ early April 2007 research & professional meteorology weather sensitive businesses Weather enthusiasts WXT510 focus unit price accuracy performance Customer base I work for this group (HydroMet/ Vaisala Solutions with some 60 other people)
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 3 Solution some years ago – example MilosS520 m/s Aranda/ FIMR Example of PC display
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 4 Solution some years ago - MilosS520 VOS AWS OR MILOS 520 Data Collection and Processing System with DPA501 Pressure sensor INSIDE Equipment Enclosure Wind Vane WAV 151 Anemometer WAA 151 Cross Arm QMT102 Temperature end Humidity probe INSIDE DTR 13 Radiation Shield BRIGHTNESS NMEA 0183 Compass data Inmarsat C terminal Bridge Console Bridge WAS425 Ultrasonic anemometer System Layout/ Small system DTS12W Soil Temperature Sensor Replaced by New HydroMet Station
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 5 Issues to be dealed with 1)Selection of observing platform 2)Some words of ship observations 3)Met observations – WXT510 vs. WMO recommendations (marine obs) 4)Additional observations 5)Location and orientation 6)Reporting – contents and formats 7)Communications + Data gathering (HTB and GTS/WMO?) 8)Powering, data storing 9)Validation and QC 10) Summarizing - Course work plan 11) Documentation 12) Reseach with the data & comparisons with land data – anybody? 13) Comments, Suggestions!
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 6 Discussion of the Platform Platform vs. different conditions: - is the platform operating also in near gale, gale and storm situations, - these are typically interesting to many data users - but not for all. Near gale (Violent) storm, courtesy of NOAA: photo available via
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 7 Case of m/s Meloodia= Possibility 1 + m/s Meloodia / Tallink (*1979, renovated 1998) + In the early HTB phase, system with two WXT510, location equipment, data logger and GPRS was installed. - GPRS data collection: ship mostly on Estonian waters => huge phone with Sonera bill due to roaming costs=> use was limited after first technical tests. - pack with gps+ electric compass was installated erroneously (vertically and not horizonttaly). Data went crazy. => System was not taken into routine HTB use. - Another compass was pre-tested. Installation crew had busy time => Instruments are still waiting… - System is not used currently in HTB! m/s Meloodia was build 1979, is 139 m long and 24 m wide. It has a cruising speed of 20 knots.
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 8 On the Platform vs. ScheduleHelsinki-Tallinna Superfast Vana Tallinn* Galaxy Vana Tallinn Tallinna-Helsinki Galaxy Vana Tallinn* Superfast Vana Tallinn** Not all year Not heavy weather Schedule / Tallink ships Note: m/s Meloodia is not here!
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 9 Platform possibility 2: Oppurtunity to learn Tasks/ Galaxy: + Discussions with Vaisala people involved - Discussion with FIMR people about the FerryBox/ - Discussion with the Tallink people => agreement of task If m/s Galaxy is selected Site Survey is needed: planning of wiring + installation…
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 10 Site Survey – Not just the Ship Port of Tallin. Courtesy of Google Earth Plus. RouteTallinn-Helsinki Cruise Port of Helsinki16:4518:30 RouteHelsinki-Tallin Cruise Port of Tallinn22:0013:30 Take into account/ Find balance - who is paying (their needs) - who are the operational data users (their needs), - the international recommendations like WMO, IOC and IMO - Ship structure (see later). - Ship location, route, operational practices and objects around (schedule). => Find as representative measurement site as possible. Be prepared to flag some data bad if QC criteria not filled. Winter Schedule for m/s Galaxy:
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 11 UV-B - additional measurement (test+campaign) Sunshine + Pros: cosmetic, psychological, vitaminD. - Cons: Skin cancer, reduced immunlogical status, skin ageing, erythema, keratitis, cataract. Motivation: - Very limited if any measurements on UV-B irradiation on passager ships (marine) environment. - Need of special maintenance instructions in ship environment? Sensor: - model UVS-E-T by Kipp&Zonen has been selected - spectral response adapted to the erythemal (sunburn) action spectrum of the human skin. - produces information of medical and public concern: UV Index, UV Erythemal dose and dose rate. - Data can be related to existing monitoring network data.
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 12 FerryBox/ installation at some line ships Current situation? check once per week data through disk
©Vaisala | date | Ref. code | Page 13 Limiting Work in this Task, perhaps so: To be added: + location/orientation + powering, wiring, installation + communication to HTB + WebCamera: due to QC? => 2-3 weeks of work, with testing? Later, if funding/ HTB Phase II: + hourly SHIP reporting (+support to Helideck) with enh. coordinates + data integration + PWD22 pres. weather and visibility + CL31 Ceilometer