The Skeletal System Medical Terminology
Key System Terminology Bone -------------------------- oste/o Bone marrow ---------------myel/o Note myel/o also means spine Joints ----------------------- arthr/o Cartilage ------------------- chondr/o Bursa ----------------------- burs/o
Bone Anatomy Diaphysis Medullary cavity Yellow marrow Epiphysis Red marrow Compact bone Lamellar bone Spongy bone Trabecular bone Periosteum Endosteum Articular cartilage Epiphyseal plate Ligament – connects bone to bone Tendon
Appendicular skeleton Axial skeleton 80 bones Skull Spine Thoracic cage Appendicular skeleton 126 bones Shoulder girdle + arm Hip girdle + leg 206 bones
Cranium Face Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Sphenoid Ethmoid Zygomatic Maxillary Mandible Palatine Lacrimal Vomer Hyoid Bone
Ribs (rib = costal) [12 pairs] True (7) False (3) Floating (2) Sternum Manubrium Body Xiphoid Shoulder Clavicle Scapula Acromion Process Arm Humerus Radius Ulna ( & olecranon process) Wrist & Hand Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges
Pelvic Girdle (hip/ Coxa) Spine Vertebrae Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5) Sacrum (5) Coccyx (4) Intervertebral Discs Pelvic Girdle (hip/ Coxa) Ilium Ischium Pubis Sacrum Acetabulum
Legs Ankle & Foot Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Talus Calcaneus Lateral & Medial Malleolus Metatarsals Phalanges
Skeletal System Structures in Medical Terminology Oste/o = bone Chondr/o = cartilage Arthr/o = joints Myel/o = bone marrow Note: also can mean spine Burs/o = bursa Cost/o = rib
Joints (Articulations) Functional classification based upon movement: immovable = synarthrosis slightly movable = amphiarthrosis freely movable = diarthrosis Most are diarthrosis Also called synovial joints Joints Synovial Membrane Synovial Fluid Bursa Articulations Ligaments (compare to tendons)
Bursa A sac made up of: Synovial membrane Synovial fluid
Medical Specialists of the Skeletal System Orthopedist Those with a medical school degree Those with a osteopathic school degree Chiropracter All diseases center around spinal mal-alignment Podiatrist Orthotics
Pathology of the Skeletal System Ankylosis (ankyl/o = stiff; bent) Arthralgia Arthrosclerosis Bursitis Chondroma Chondromalacia (-malacia= abnormal softening) Hallux valgus (bunion; big toe bent towards other toes) Luxation Synovitis Arthritis Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis (spondyl = vertebrae) This is a type of rheumatoid arthritis Talipes (club foot)
Pathology of the Skeletal System Spine Herniated disc Lumbago Spina bifida Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis
Scoliosis Kyphosis Lordosis
Pathology of the Skeletal System Bone Exostosis (callus) Osteomalacia Osteitis deformans Periostitis Osteochondroma Osteoporosis Fractures Closed (simple) Open (compound) Colles’