Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand1 Team Delphi Corporation Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Durability Test Stand John Bagby Joshua Gannon Mechanical Engineers Electrical Engineers Michael Scholl Gregory Tyminski David White Wai Meng Ng Richard Yang Faculty Mentor Margaret Bailey, Ph.D., PE Delphi Contact Chris Mergler
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand2 Subgroup Structures
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand3 Stand Preliminary Design 1.5” x 1.5” 80/20 extruded aluminum built 36” tall Double Anchor Bolt Fasteners for assembly 4 lengths 80/20 top rails supporting top plate Post PDR Suggestions 32” height of stand Elimination of 4 supporting 80/20 top rails Final Decisions 2” x 2” 80/20 extruded aluminum used due to in-stock supply 80/20 corner brackets and joining plates used for assembly due to in-stock supply 32” height of stand Top rail elimination
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand4 Stand and FEA Maximum Deflection under 700lb Load: 0.003in
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand5 Enclosure Preliminary Design 80 / 20 Extruded Aluminum, 1” x 1” Cross Section Supporting Structure Cast Acrylic Plexiglas Toggle Clamp Attachment for enclosure removal Excellent Clarity 150 degree F tolerance Firewall 1850 degree F tolerance Rubber Seal Fulfills airtight requirement Aluminum Plate Due to high temperature requirement at exhaust outlet Post PDR Suggestions Hinges for enclosure opening Reduces manual lift of enclosure to supporting position on the stand base Top Exhaust for CO startup leak Extra air draw through enclosure to reduce CO emissions into the room Movable position of top plate within enclosure Gives better inline positional placement of exhaust of SOFC to enclosure exhaust opening
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand6 Enclosure Final Decisions Hinges are to be used to open enclosure with support braces for a propped position on stand No Top Exhaust addition Relay on sensors and Labview within enclosure to shutdown stand if necessary Movable plate within enclosure Top plate is anchored at its vertical position Enclosure hood is vertically movable Manual disassembly and reassembly of supporting 80/20 for vertical movement of enclosure Enclosure movement provides robust placement of SOFC in comparison to hood exhaust outlet
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand7 Fuel Delivery System Fuel Supply Delivery System System supplies natural gas/diesel/gasoline fuels to SOFC. Refueling is accomplished without interrupting the fuel flow to the SOFC. Fuel Pump supplies liquid fuel at 500kPa to fuel injector. Redundant Automatic shutdown safety feature.
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand8 Swagelok Components Warren Rupp Sandpiper II Diaphragm Pump McMaster-Carr High Pressure Fuel Tanks Fuel Delivery System
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand9 Controls Component Interface Labview 6.1 The main view of the controls were already developed by Delphi. Our task was to integrate what we had with the given components. Enclosure data, fuel pump enable and enclosure warnings. E-stop is to be tied in with the e-stop sequence for SOFC unit.
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand10 Data collection for enclosure’s thermocouples and gas sensors. Detection of warning & e-stop violations. Data logging writes to a new file each day. Stand DAQ VI can be incorporated into Main VI as a sub VI with one input and two outputs. Input for initialization Two outputs for data values and warning signals. Data Acquisition
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand11 Financial Summary Components Removed From Budget By Delphi Corporation Many Swagelok, exhaust and computer components, stocked in house Field Point Modules $4.2K $12K Load Bank Replaces $17K Load Bank Gas Sensor System $4.5K
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand12 Tasks Outstanding Finalize and debug Controls & DAQ Virtual Interface Full installation into Laboratory environment: Plumb Air, NG, Exhaust lines
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand13 Thank You: R·I·T Margaret Bailey, Ph.D., P.E. Alan Nye, Ph.D. Delphi Corporation Mr. Chris Mergler Mr. Chris DeMinco Mr. Anthony DeRose Mr. Kristian Whitehouse
Friday, May 14, 2004SOFC Durability Test Stand14 Questions