Chapter 12 Stellar Evolution
Infrared Image of Helix Nebula
Mass and Stellar Fate Low mass stars end life quietly Massive stars end life violently Massive - more than 8X M
Core-hydrogen burning Main sequence stars fuse H into He On main sequence for over 90% of life Hydrostatic equilibrium - pressure and gravity balance
Figure 12.1 Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Evolution of a sun-like star Stages (pre - main sequence) Stage 7 - main sequence Stages (post main sequence)
Stages 8 and 9 Stage 8 - Subgiant branch Stage 9 - Red Giant branch H depleted at center, He core grows Core pressure decreases, gravity doesn’t He core contracts, H shell burning increases Star’s radius increases, surface cools, luminosity increases
Figure 12.2 Solar Composition Change
Figure 12.3 Hydrogen Shell Burning
Figure 12.4 Red Giant on the H-R Diagram
Stage 10 - Helium Fusion Red Giant core contracts (no nuclear burning there) Central temperature reaches 10 8 K Fusion of He starts abruptly - Helium flash for a few hours Star re-adjusts over 100,000 years from stage 9 to 10 H and He burning with C core - horizontal branch
Figure 12.5 Horizontal Branch
Figure 12.6 Helium Shell Burning
Stage 11 - Back to Giant Branch C core contracts (no nuclear burning there) Gravitational heating H and He burning increases Radius and luminosity increases
Figure 12.7 Reascending the Giant Branch
Table 12.1 Evolution of a Sun-like Star
Figure 12.8L G-Type Star Evolution
Figure 12.8R G-Type Star Evolution
Death of a low mass star For solar mass star, core temperature not high enough for C fusion Outer layers drift away into space Core contracts, heats up UV radiation ionizes surrounding gas Stage 12 - A planetary nebula (nothing to do with planets)
Figure 12.9 Planetary Nebulae
Other elements As red giant dies, other elements created in core O, Ne, Mg Enrich interstellar medium as surface layers ejected
Dense matter Carbon core shrinks and stabilizes Core density kg/m kg in one cm 3 Pauli Exclusion Principle keeps free electrons from getting any closer together This is a different sort of pressure
Stage 13 - White Dwarf Red giant envelope recedes C core becomes visible as a white dwarf Approximately size of earth, 1/2 mass of sun White-hot surface, but dim (small size) Glow by stored heat, no nuclear reactions Fades in time to a black dwarf - stage 14
Figure White Dwarf on an H-R Diagram
Table 12.2 Sirius B – A Nearby White Dwarf
Figure Sirius Binary System
Figure Distant White Dwarfs
Novae Plural of nova Some white dwarfs become explosively active Rapid increase in luminosity
Figure 12.13ab Nova Herculis a) March 1935 b) May 1935
Figure 12.13c Nova
Nova explanation White dwarf in a binary Gravitation tears material from companion, forming accretion disk around white dwarf Material heats until H fuses Surface burning brief and violent Novae can be recurrent
Figure Close Binary System
Figure Nova Matter Ejection
Evolution of High-Mass Stars All main sequence stars move toward red-giant phase More massive stars can fuse C and other heavier elements Evolutionary tracks are more horizontal 4 M star can fuse C 15 M star can fuse C, O, Ne, Mg and become a red supergiant
Figure High-Mass Evolutionary Tracks
Evolution of 4 M star No He flash Hot enough to fuse C Can’t fuse beyond C Ends as a white dwarf
Evolution of 15 M star Rapid evolution Becomes red supergiant Fuses H, He, C, O, Ne, Mg, Si Inner core of iron
Figure Heavy-Element Fusion
Figure Mass Loss from Supergiants
Examples in Orion Rigel - blue supergiant 70 R , 50,000X luminosity of sun Originally 17 M Betelgeuse - red supergiant 10,000X luminosity of sun in visible light Originally 12 to 17 M
High mass fast evolution Consider 20 M star Fuses H for 10 million y Fuses He for 1 million y Fuses C for 1000 y Fuses O for one year Fuses Si for one week Fe core grows for less than a day
Death of high mass star - 1 Fe fusion doesn’t produce energy Pressure decreases at core Gravitational collapse Core temperature reaches nearly 10 billion K High energy photons break nuclei into protons and neutrons - photodisintegration Reduced pressure, accelerated collapse
Death of high mass star - 2 Electrons + protons neutrons and neutrinos Density kg/m 3 Neutrinos escape, taking away energy Further collapse to kg/m 3 Neutrons packed together slow further collapse Overshoots to kg/m 3, then rebounds Shock wave ejects overlying material into space Core collapse supernova
Figure Supernova 1987A
Table 12.3 End Points of Evolution for Stars of Different Masses
Novae and Supernovae Nova - explosion on white dwarf surface in a binary system Supernova - exploding high mass star Million times brighter than nova Billions of times brighter than sun Supernova in several months radiates as much as our sun in 10 billion years
Types of Supernovae Type I - very little H Sharp rise in brightness, gradual fall Type II - H rich Plateau in light curve Roughly half Type I and half Type II
Figure Supernova Light Curves
Type II Supernovae Core collapse as previously described Expanding layers of H and He
Type I Supernovae Accretion disk around white dwarf can nova Some material adds to white dwarf Below 1.4 M (Chandrasekhar mass), electrons support white dwarf Above 1.4 M , white dwarf collapses Rapid heating, C suddenly fuses throughout Carbon-detonation supernova Also possible for two white dwarfs to merge
Figure Two Types of Supernova
Supernovae summary Type I - carbon detonation of white dwarf exceeding 1.4 M Type II - core collapse of massive star, rebound and ejection of material All high mass stars Type II supernova Only some low mass stars Type I supernova Low mass stars much more common than high mass Type I and II about equally likely
Figure Supernova Remnants
Heavy Element Formation All H and most He is primordial Other elements produced through stellar evolution
Stellar evolution in star clusters All stars the same age Snapshot at one time
Figure Cluster Evolution on the H-R Diagram
Figure Newborn Cluster H-R Diagram
Figure Young Cluster H-R Diagram
Figure Old Cluster H-R Diagram
Figure Stellar Recycling