Galatians Holy Family Bible Study Spring 2006 Session 5 of 7 May 31, 2006
Romans :1-5—Paul’s love for Israel 9:6-24—God’s free choice 9:25-29—Witness of the Prophets 9:30-10:21—Righteousness based on faith 11:1-10—The remnant of Israel 11:11-24—The Gentiles’ Salvation 11:25-29—God’s irrevocable call 11:30-36 —Triumph of God’s mercy 12:1-2—Sacrificed of Body and Mind 12:3-8—Many parts in One Body 12:9-21—Mutual Love
Romans 9:1—11:36 This Justification does not contradict God’s promise to Israel of old These three chapters uses the Old Testament to relate to his teachings
9:1-5—Paul’s love for Israel Paul begins this part with an expression of his anguish at the plight of the Jews, who have not accepted Jesus as God’s Messiah.Then be briefly states the problem that confronts him in preaching the Gospel
Seven Prerogatives Sonship Resplendent manifestations of Yahweh's presence in the desert and in the Jerusalem temple Covenants The law Worship in the temple The promises The patriarchs
9:6-24—God’s free choice Paul's first explanation of the problem that caused his anguish emphasizes God’s role in the predicament
Three ways God’s promise Moses and Pharaoh God is not arbitrary
9:25-29—Witness of the Prophets Israel’s call, infidelity, and remnant are all announced in the Old Testament itself. Hosea and Isaiah
9:30-10:21—Righteousness based on faith Paul’s next step is to argues that the cause of Israel’s failure is to be found not with God but in Israel itself.
Four step argument Israel has preferred its own way of uprightness to that of God Paul expresses his sorrow that Israel has failed to recognize that Christ is the end of the Law and that uprightness has been made attainable through him The old way of attaining uprightness was difficult, whereas the new way is easy within the reach of all an announced to all, Israel has not taken advantage of this opportunity offered by the prophet and the gospel and of the fault lies with her.
Put on Christ!
11:1-10—The remnant of Israel Is God rejecting Israel? No way!
11:11-24—The Gentiles’ Salvation Israel’s disbelief is only temporary!
11:25-29—God’s irrevocable call In God’ plan mercy is to be shown to all, including the Jews.
11:30-36 —Triumph of God’s mercy Hymn to the merciful wisdom of God (let’s read this together as our closing prayer)
12:1-2—Sacrificed of Body and Mind Chapter 12 begins a new way of looking at life or practice as a Christian. We trade the law for love. The next few chapters outline some codes of conduct.
12:3-8—Many parts in One Body
12:9-21—Mutual Love
Next Week Lessons Romans Pages 63-end Jerome Murphy O’Connor will be here on Wed. June 28 th