Repaso para el examen oral
Para empezar… Hola amigo/a Me llamo ___ Tengo ___ años Soy de A mí me encanta _ ¿Cómo has estado? ¿ Qué andas haciendo? ¿ Cuál es el problema?
Para concluir… Adiós amigo/a Gracias por hablar conmigo Gracias por ser tan amable Espero verte pronto Espero que te diviertas en…. Disfruto de hablar contigo
Palabras de transición También Además Para concluir/en conclusión
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 1 Introduce yourself to your partner Talk about your future plans Say where you went on vacation over winter break Make some suggestions to a friend **subj. Describe what you used to do when you were a child Make a few recommendations to a sibling ** Use “esto es el colmo” in a sentence Say goodbye and conclude your conversation
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 2 Introduce yourself to your partner Talk about your future plans for this summer Say where you went on vacation last summer Make some suggestions to a classmate **subj. Make a few recommendations to a cousin ** Describe what you used to like when you were a child Use “Según tengo entendido” in a sentence Say goodbye and conclude your conversation
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 3 Introduce yourself to your partner Talk about your future plans after graduation Say where you went this past weekend and what you did Give some good ideas to a friend **subj. Describe what you were going to do this weekend but then you did…instead Give some advice to a child ** Use “Fíjate que” in a sentence Say goodbye and conclude your conversation
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 4 Introduce yourself to your partner Say that you are looking for a friend who…**subj. Talk about your best friend Talk about your family and what you like to do together Give some advice to a family member ** Describe what you were going to do this week but then you did…instead Use “Yo que tú” in a sentence (condicional) Say goodbye and conclude your conversation
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 5 Introduce yourself to your partner Say that you are looking for a person who…**subj. Describe where you live. Talk about where you would like to live in the future. Say what you have just done (acabar de) Say what you dream about (soñar con) Give some advice to a family member ** Use “En tu lugar” in a sentence (condicional) Say goodbye and conclude your conversation
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 6 A: Ask your partner what they did last night. B: Respond B: Ask your partner what they used to do when they were ___ years old. A: Respond A: Ask for some recommendations for the future B: Make some recommendations B: Ask your partner what their plans for the future are A: Respond A: Say good-bye and conclude B: Say good-bye and conclude
Repaso para el examen oral, Día 7 A: Ask your partner what they did last summer. B: Respond B: Ask your partner where they used to go and what they used to watch when they were ___ years old. A: Respond A: Ask for some suggestions for studying for final exams B: Make some suggestions/recommendations B: Ask your partner where they want to go in the future A: Respond A: Say good-bye and conclude B: Say good-bye and conclude
Yo que tú… En tu lugar Fíjate que No lo aguanto Esto es el colmo No me digas