The body plan (symmetry) of a sponge. Porifera 100
One of the structural supports in a sponge. Porifera 200
Cells that trap food. Porifera 300
Cells that make structural supports. Porifera 400
Phrase that describes the sponge strategy for sexual reproduction Porifera 500
Type of symmetry. Ctenophora and Cnidaria 100
Characteristic that all cnidarians share and are named for. Ctenophora and Cnidaria 200
One of two classes of cnidarians that are considered to be true jellies. Ctenophora and Cnidaria 300
Characteristic unique to ctenophores that helps them move. Ctenophora and Cnidaria 400
Class of cnidarians that exist only as a polyp. Ctenophora and Cnidaria 500
Phylum of worms in which a central nervous system first appeared in the evolutionary history of animals. Worms 100
Free-swimming flatworms known for their beautiful colors. Worms 200
Phylum of worms known for having a long proboscis for catching prey. Worms 300
Phylum of worms that show segmentation of body parts. Worms 400
Group of annelid worms that includes Christmas tree and feather duster worms. Worms 500
Part of a mollusc that makes the shell. Molluscs 100
Class of molluscs with two shells. Molluscs 200
Structure in the mouth with serrated edges. Molluscs 300
Structure used for jet propulsion in cephalopods and for feeding in bivalves. Molluscs 400
Structure used for moving in gastropods and some bivalves. Molluscs 500
Double Jeopardy
Colonial anthozoans. Cnidaria 200
Type of dinoflagellate that lives inside corals. Cnidaria 400
Colonial floating hydra that is often confused with a true jellyfish. Cnidaria 600
Life stage of true jellies which produces egg and sperm. Cnidaria 800
Name of the innermost layer of tissue. Cnidaria 1000
Periwinkles use their radula to do this. Gastropods and Bivalves 200
These types of bivalves are the only ones that can swim. Gastropods and Bivalves 400
One of two local snails that uses the radula for drilling into the shells of other molluscs. Gastropods and Bivalves 600
Type of bivalve that forms reef structures. Gastropods and Bivalves 800
Gastropods without shells. Gastropods and Bivalves 1000
Arms and tentacles are modified versions of this structure. Cephalopods 200
Type of cephalopods with an external shell. Cephalopods 400
Pigment cells used for camouflage. Cephalopods 600
Structure in a squid that is the remnant of a shell. Cephalopods 800
The ability of an octopus to fit through a given space is dependent on the size of this structure. Cephalopods 1000
An organism that has both male and female reproductive organs. Vocabulary 200
Type of reproduction in which an organism ejects mass quantities of eggs and or sperm into the water. Vocabulary 400
The word we use to describe organisms that must consume other organisms in order to obtain energy. Vocabulary 600
All animals are made of this type of cell. Vocabulary 800
This is the term we use to describe an organism that does not move when it is an adult. Vocabulary 1000
Final jeopardy category Cephalopods
The shell remnant in a cuttlefish.