Reflections from Chapters 1-12
Context Tolerance became the supreme value
Context Women were forced to take the initiative
Context Tolerance became the supreme value Women were forced to take the initiative Men became passive in battle and aggressive in sensuality
Context Tolerance became the supreme value Women were forced to take the initiative Men became passive in battle and aggressive in sensuality Why did God allow it to go on for so long?
Chapter 1 We witness the birth of a new era
Chapter 1 We witness the birth of a new era Hannah is a silent sufferer who was constantly hammered
Chapter 1 We witness the birth of a new era Hannah is a silent sufferer who was constantly hammered In her distress she prays…
Chapter 1 We witness the birth of a new era Hannah is a silent sufferer who was constantly hammered In her distress she prays… “And the LORD remembered her” – v.19
Chapter 1 We witness the birth of a new era Hannah is a silent sufferer who was constantly hammered In her distress she prays… “And the LORD remembered her” – v.19 How often do we choose to live in the endless cycle of self-pity rather than initiating godly change through fervent prayer?
Chapter 2 Glorious praise flows from the lips of Hannah
Chapter 2 Knowing God is the path to sexual purity because the purpose of sex and the purpose of the body, is to magnify the supreme worth of God and the infinite value of Jesus Christ.
Chapter 3 God lovingly and patiently speaks to young Samuel
Chapter 3 God lovingly and patiently speaks to young Samuel Samuel’s call is testimony to the fact that no matter how dark life becomes, God always has His remnant in place.
Chapter 4 The ark was a visible symbol of God’s presence
Chapter 4 The ark was a visible symbol of God’s presence Israel put religious ritual over relationship
Chapter 4 The ark was a visible symbol of God’s presence Israel put religious ritual over relationship The glory departed from Israel
Chapters 5-7 God’s ark was taken, but God cannot be tamed or domesticated
Chapters 5-7 God’s ark was taken, but God cannot be tamed or domesticated The hand of the Lord was heavy on the Ashdodites
Chapters 5-7 God’s ark was taken, but God cannot be tamed or domesticated The hand of the Lord was heavy on the Ashdodites Finally, pain purges the pride of the Philistines
Chapters 5-7 God’s ark was taken, but God cannot be tamed or domesticated The hand of the Lord was heavy on the Ashdodites Finally, pain purges the pride of the Philistines God in His providence returns the ark to the house of Abinadab and consecrates Eleazar to look after it
Chapters 5-7 An idol is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.
Chapter 8 Israel wants a king!
Chapter 8 Israel wants a king! One of the greatest judgments that God can give us is to let us have our own way…”And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.” Ps.106:15
Chapter 8 The problem is not that we desire – the problem is that we desire sin rather than God. We’ve been duped by the devil into believing that the pleasures of this world are more enjoyable and satisfying that all God is for us in Jesus.
Chapters 9-10 We are introduced to Saul with an impressive genealogy
Chapters 9-10 We are introduced to Saul with an impressive genealogy God uses Kish’s donkeys to initiate the activity
Chapters 9-10 We are introduced to Saul with an impressive genealogy God uses Kish’s donkeys to initiate the activity Samuel anoints Saul – 10:1
Chapters 9-10 We are introduced to Saul with an impressive genealogy God uses Kish’s donkeys to initiate the activity Samuel anoints Saul – 10:1 “wait until I come and make known to you what you shall do” 10:8b
Chapters 9-10 We are introduced to Saul with an impressive genealogy God uses Kish’s donkeys to initiate the activity Samuel anoints Saul – 10:1 “wait until I come and make known to you what you shall do” 10:8b Samuel preaches a short but profoundly confronting sermon in 10:17-19
Chapter 11 The Ammonites lay siege to Saul’s hometown
Chapter 11 The Ammonites lay siege to Saul’s hometown The Spirit of the Lord comes upon Saul mightily
Chapter 12 Samuel gives his inauguration speech
Chapter 12 Samuel gives his inauguration speech Their response: NO! a king shall reign over us!
Chapter 12 Samuel gives his inauguration speech Their response: NO! a king shall reign over us! Then comes the great foundational ground of the GOSPEL
Chapter 12 Samuel gives his inauguration speech Their response: NO! a king shall reign over us! Then comes the great foundational ground of the GOSPEL “For the LORD will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the LORD to make you a people for Himself.” 1 Samuel 12:22 ESV
Chapter 12 What is the deepest foundation of God’s faithfulness?
Chapter 12 What is the deepest foundation of God’s faithfulness? Beneath and behind God’s delight in choosing a people, there is a deeper delight, namely, the immense satisfaction God has in His own name.
Chapter 12 God’s allegiance to His own name is the foundation of His faithfulness to you!
Chapter 12 God’s allegiance to His own name is the foundation of His faithfulness to you! “If we are faithless, He remains faithful – for He cannot deny Himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13