Discover Europe by Art National painters 2005 – 2006 Iceland
Painters We decided on two painters; Muggur and Nína Pupils in 2 nd grade worked with Muggur and pupils in 7 th grade worked with Nína
Muggur Nína The play Dimmalimm by Muggur
About Muggur Muggur (Guðmundur Thorsteinsson) was born on the 5 th of September Muggur was 12 years old when he moved with his family to Denmark and there he learned his art. Muggur also studied in Germany, USA and Italy. Muggur sailed to Italy 1921 to work on a triptych. On this journey he wrote his famous children´s story Dimmalimm. Muggur died in Denmark the 26 th of July 1924
The work of Muggur Muggur was versatile artist. He did collages, coal- and chalk pictures. He also made pencil-, watercolours- and oil paintings. Muggur whittled animals and did patchwork etc. Muggur was also know as a good actor. He played in Icelandic movie. He was fond of fairy-tales of knights, trolls and hidden peoples.
And then the work started. The pupils got there guidance from our art teacher, Anna. The theme was trolls.
Christmas greetings: Children of trolls Watercolours Picture by 2 nd grade pupil Watercolours
Pictures by pupils in 2 nd grade Silk and silk paint Halibut Silk, remnant, wool yarn and skin of a mole
The pupils in 2 nd grade performed a play based on Muggur´s story about Dimmalimm.
About Nína Nína (Jónína Tryggvadóttir) was born on the 16 th of March Nína was taught drawing by Ásgrímur Jónsson, one of the pioneers of Icelandic art. She went to private art school run by painters Finnur Jónsson and Jóhann Briem. Nína moved to Copenhagen 1935 to study in Royal Academy of Art and then to Paris Nína studied in New York from 1943 – Nína lived in Paris and New York but visited Iceland a lot. Nína married a German-American medical scientist, Alfred L. Copley, who became a wel known painter. Nína died in New York 1968.
Nína was not afraid to try new things in art. She did oil paintings, mosaic works, poems and children’s books. She also worked with glass and painted portraits of many of the most beloved Icelandic writers. The work of Nína
Picture by pupil in 7 th grade Collage Abstraction - picture by Nína Tryggvadóttir
Pictures by pupils in 7th grade Liquid poster paint
Once up a time there was a lady, who worked and span, but didn´t not at all want to have a husband. She just had cats six beautiful, delicate cats and for them she worked Einu sinni var kona, sem eldaði og spann en langaði ekkert til að eiga sér mann. Hún átti bara ketti, sex fagrar, fínar kisur og fyrir þeim hún vann. Kötturinn sem hvarf – The cat who disappeared