CH 6 Assessment P 152 1) Migration 2) Columbian Exchange 3) Suburb Movement of people (in US usually to the west, last 50 years to the Sunbelt- South and West) 2) Columbian Exchange Movement of goods bt Europe and Americas after Columbus “Discovery” (Corn, tobacco, Potatoes to Europe; Bananas, Slaves, Disease to Americans) 3) Suburb Communities outside of cities (use of car allowed these housing developments to occur) 4) Representative Democracy People rule by electing/voting for representatives to make laws (President, senators, Governor, Mayor, etc.) 5) Free Enterprise Private individuals/companies own resources, technology, and business (Apple makes computers, Chevron makes oil, McDonalds makes food)
7) Postindustrial Economy 6) Service Industry Money is paid that produces a service (plumbing, lawyer, education) rather than a product (Computer, Car, House) 7) Postindustrial Economy Manufacturing is no longer the dominant job creator, service makes most jobs (high paying service requires more skills and education) 8) Multinational Large companies that sell goods worldwide (McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Apple) 9) Megalopolis Region where several large cities blend together (Wash D.C.-Boston contains 1/6th of US population) 10) Metropolitan Area Large cities and surrounding areas counted as population (Los Angeles (3 mil) is also Long Beach, Hawthorne, Valley, Inland Empire (12 mil))
11) What role did migration (movement of people) play in populating the US It brought people from Asia, Africa, and Europe to the US (Past majority of people came from Europe, Today Latin America/Mexico and Asia) 12) What are some examples of the Columbian Exchange? (Movement of goods bt Europe and Americas after Columbus “Discovery) Some examples are pumpkins, potatoes, sugar, and coffee 13) Which of the above terms are associated with Urban Geography? (geography of cities) Suburb, Megalopolis, and metropolis are associated with urban geography (they all make up a city today) 14) What type of government does the United States have? The US has a representative democracy 15) What are the advantages of free enterprise? (Private individuals/companies own resources, technology, and business) Limited government interference and profit are advantages of free enterprise (people risk money to make money and do not want government to get in the way)
16) How are the service industry (Money is paid that produces a service rather than a product) and postindustrial economy (Manufacturing is no longer the dominant job creator, service makes most jobs) related? A high number of service industries (and fewer manufacturing jobs) are indicators of a post industrial economy 17) What is an example of a service industry? Examples might include finance/$, medicine, and education (also fast food industry, markets like CVS, Costco, Vons, and telemarketers) 18) What makes a business a multinational (Large companies that sell goods worldwide )corporation? The corporation will have locations in several countries 19) In which region is an example of a megalopolis (Region where several large cities blend together) found? The Northeast contains an example of megalopolis (SoCal from Santa Barbara to San Diego is another example) 20) How are the terms suburb (Communities outside of cities) and metropolitan area (Large cities and surrounding areas) related? A suburb is a part of a metropolitan area