Town Manager Informational Overview
Town Manager Mission The Mission of the Town Manager is to implement the policies established by the Board of Selectmen; to provide the overall administration to the Town’s municipal organization; and to foster continuous improvement and customer focused services and programs.
Town Manager Organization
Town Manager Primary Functions & Services The Town Manager serves as the Town’s chief administrative, fiscal, and personnel officer. He oversees all town departments and services, and is responsible for ensuring that all boards, officers and representatives of the Town comply with policy determinations of the Board of Selectmen. The Town Manager also appoints and supervises all employees, officers and boards not appointed by the Selectmen or Town Moderator. This is in accordance with the Town Charter (Ch. 571 of the Acts of 1956) which established the Open Town Meeting, Board of Selectmen, Town Manager form of government for Andover.
Town Manager FY06 Goals & Objectives To successfully complete the Board of Selectmen’s goals and objectives and provide continuous support to the Board in areas of policy analysis, policy implementation and attainment of the Board’s Mission and the six value statements. To implement and manage the Town’s buildings, grounds and infrastructure improvement projects to include: the successful completion and close out of the Fire Station portion (Phase II) of the Public Safety Center, continued construction of the multi- year residential sewer project, construction of a Youth Center on the West Andover site, the planning of a Senior Citizen Center at the Bartlet Street site, and the Main St. Improvement Project in the downtown area.
Town Manager FY06 Goals & Objectives (cont.) To improve communications with our citizens via the Town’s website, thereby facilitating improved citizen access to municipal government information. To continue to initiate award applications that acknowledge outstanding customer service and recognize innovative solutions to challenges presented in the delivery of quality municipal services. NEWWA Selected - Alan Carifio, Chief Chemist WTP as this year’s “Dexter Brackett Award” winner for his paper on alternative methods for evaluating granular activated carbon. GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting CHAPA Leadership Award for Affordable Housing Boston Business Journal cited Andover for being a regional center for life science companies
Town Manager FY06 Goals & Objectives (cont.) To work with the Main Street Committee to improve Main Street and the downtown area for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. To continue the implementation of the master plan for playfield maintenance and improvements. To continue the acquisition of open space for the preservation of this natural resource and the enjoyment of our citizens.
Town Manager Issues & Challenges Andover is an economically developed suburb, and people enjoy living here because of our: Quality of Life Quality of Schools Quality of Municipal Services Our challenge is to continue to improve these qualities within our ability to pay for them
Town Manager Issues & Challenges (cont.) Budget – FY2006 and Beyond: Expenditure Challenges Health Insurance Costs Collective Bargaining Settlements Petroleum & Energy Costs Retirement Costs Construction Materials Revenue Challenges NESWC Funds State Aid New Growth
Town Manager Issues & Challenges (cont.) CIP – FY2007-FY2011: School & Town Facility Maintenance Sidewalk Improvements Town Yard – Lewis Street Playfield Design & Construction
Town Manager Contacting Us Telephone: Website: Address: 36 Bartlet Street