NGfL CYMRU GCaD Newport in 1850 Look at this 1836 map. What has changed since 1800? Click here to see the 1794 map Look closely at this ‘grid’. What will happen here? Why? This map was drawn in 1836, what might have changed by 1850? Look at this part of the map. How many ‘wharves’ can you see? What do you think they were for?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD View of Newport, 1850 Do you think this picture is absolutely accurate? Why can’t we be sure? Do you recognise Newport from this photograph? What features can you still see today? What types of transport can you see? What can’t you see? Can you see any signs of industry? Why do you think Newport was good for industry?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Newport Remembered – circa 1850 Newport is one of the largest and most important of those numerous towns upon the Northern shore of the Bristol Channel which owe their prosperity to the mineral wealth of the country behind and around them, and of which they form the outlets and ports. Of late years very considerable extensions have taken place along the flat bank of the river, in the direction of the marshy suburb of Pillgwenlly, now a part of the town and containing the docks. (G T Clark. Report to the General Board of Health on the Borough of Newport. 1850) It is in contemplation to place a ferry boat upon the Usk, to convey parties from Pill and the neighbourhood of the Dock across the river to the new town, which is springing up on the East side and Maindee. Monmouthshire Merlin, 15th July 1855 The rapid advance of Newport from rural quietude to commercial bustle, is one of the extraordinary events of the age, and is solely attributable to the development of the inexhaustible mineral wealth which lie concealed in the bowels of the adjacent mountains. (Hunt & Co.’s City of Bristol, Newport and Welsh Towns Directory, 1848) Is the same industry around today in Newport? If not, why not? What was Newport’s main industry in 1850? What had helped the town grow so quickly? Why do you think Newport needed a dock?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD What you need to do… 1)This slide has three pieces written about Newport around Read each one carefully and add any comments about how and why Newport developed so much around this time in the text box provided. You can use the pop up questions (click the numbered balls once to bring up a question, click again to make them disappear) to help you. 2) Read the pieces again. Can you find which comments could be FACT and which sound like the author’s OPINION? Use your whiteboard highlighter tool to mark your findings!
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Newport in 1794