Arts and Crafts Movement
Arts and Crafts: The name "Arts and Crafts" came from the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, set up in 1887 to show designers' work in a range of materials. The founding members included Walter Crane, William Morris, and Charles Robert Ashbee The Arts and Crafts Movement was influenced by the Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood, an earlier English art group formed in 1848 to restore art to the ‘‘purity’’of Italian art before Raphael.
Members of Arts and Crafts: William Morris Walter Crane Dante Gabriel Rossetti Ford Maddox Brown Edward Burne-Jones
William Morris [ ] Morris was an English poet, artist and socialist reformer, who rejected to opulence on the Victorian era and urged a return to medieval traditions of design, craftsmanship, and community. He was inspired by the writings of John Ruskin and Augustus Pugin who championed the return of gothic architecture (the last true architectural movement in their opinion)
William Morris’s Crafts: This is the first walpaper design of William Morris(1864)
William Morris’s Crafts: compton lemonodor birds
William Morris’s Crafts: jasmine daisy acanthus
William Morris’s Crafts:
Red House The Red House, situated in the heart of Bexley, designed for William Morris by his architect friend Philip Webb in 1859, is a seminal Arts and Crafts building. In 1904 the German Scholar Herman Muthesius described Webb's building as, 'the first private house of the new artistic culture, the first house to be conceived as a whole inside and out, the very first example in the history of the modern house'. It subsequently entered most of the written histories of 'modern' architecture. The idea of building the house was conceived by Morris in the summer of 1858 whilst on an eccentric boating trip in France - rowing down the Seine with his friends Charles Faulkner and Philip Webb. Today the appeal of the Red House seems stronger than ever.
Exterior view of Red House The entrance; on the north side with the entrance drive swinging past it to the stables and coach house in the north east corner of the site. Nowadays the house is surrounded by a typical London suburb. Yet behind it's red brick wall, and enclosed by lime, oak, horse chestnut and hawthorn, with it's birdsong and with it's fruit trees laden with blossom in the spring, it is still idyllic, like an oasis.
Exterior view of Red House The great barn-like roof dominates the house when seen from the orchard garden.
Interior view of Red House The dramatic spatial effect of the oak staircase, looking up to the painted pattern of the staircase turret ceiling restored by Ted Hollamby The settle in the hall with the original decoration yet to be restored (it was painted brown during the war) with 'Niebelungenlied' painted scenes by William Morris.
Interior view of Red House The original dinning room, now used as a living room, showing Webb's dresser and the exposed brick fireplace set between windows overlooking the orchard. The first floor drawing room which Morris wished to be "the most beautiful room in the world". Note the Burns-Jones/Rossetti wall painting either side of the settle.
Interior views:
Walter Crane [ ] English painter, designer, and illustrator; best known for his illustrations of children's books in a deliberately archaic style. Born in Liverpool, he studied miniature painting and wood engraving in his youth and was apprenticed to W.J.Linton. His paintings and book illustrations were influenced by the Pre- Raphaelites and by Japanese prints.
Walter Crane Works: Les quatre saisons par The Capitalist Vampire
Neptune’s Horses Princess Bella
Why an Arts and Crafts Movements? that well-designed buildings, furniture, and household goods would improve society that the material environment affected the moral fibre of society that the ideal was contented workers making beautiful objects and that both design and working lives had been better in the past Suddenly in the early 19th century there were huge factories manufacturing millions of items, and goods which had formerly been made by artisans,craftsmen/women, and artists were now being made without the help of any of these people. The factories were criticised for their effects on the day to day lives of working people (notably by Friedrich Engels) and for their effects on the home environment, filled with goods which were perceived to be devoid of beauty, devoid of harmony, and just plain ugly.
Arts & Crafts and the Concept of Industrial Design It could be said that the concept of industrial design was born from the Arts and Crafts Movement. Christopher Dresser has been identified as the father of industrial design, the principal that mass produced goods could still be well-designed. And although many of the true Arts and Crafts proponents would have nothing to do with mass production from factories, their ideas greatly influenced the design standards of the factories.
Examples of craft: Designed by Harry Powell in about 1895 Made by Sidney Barnsley in This brooch by Arthur and Georgie Gaskin dates from about 1911 Designed by Gimson and made in the Daneway workshop in about 1910
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