Where We Live. By: Melissa Feltz Grade Two - Three
Terms to remember. Neighborhood- A place where people live, work, and play. City- A very large community where many people live.
City- A very large community that has many neighborhoods. Suburb- A smaller community just outside of the city. Town- A small community with fewer people than a city or a suburb.
There are many ways that we can get from one place to another. These are called methods of transportation. What are some methods of transportation that we use?
There are many laws that we must follow. And rules that tell us what we should or should not do. Some rules are written and understood by everybody, others have symbols to help remind us. Who can name a written or understood law that you follow at home? In school? In your community? Who can tell us what some of the laws are that use symbols to remind us?
Here are some symbols that we follow everyday.
What do we need to make our own community? Houses Stores Schools Parks Hospitals Trees Signs Streets Cars People
City Under Construction
Materials: Construction Paper Glue Scissors Markers and Crayons Poster Board Boxes Toys
Buildings Choose the box size that best fits. Cover with construction paper and decorate with markers, crayons or other creative materials.
Trees Cut out of construction paper for the leaves and attach to twigs or craft sticks.
Streets Cut street patterns out of construction paper, glue onto poster board, and decorate with markers and crayons.
What are some of the laws that will be written? What are some of the laws that we will use symbols to help remind us?
Signs Cut out of construction paper, glue to craft sticks, and decorate with markers and crayons.
Will our community get along if there were no laws? What are some of the consequences that come when we don’t follow the rules at home? At school? In the community?
Now let’s create a map of our community to help us and visitors find their way around.
Terms Map- A flat drawing of a place that shows what it looks like from above. Symbols- A picture, shape, or color that stands for something else. Map Key- This is the key that tells the reader what the symbols mean.
Map key for our community:
What is one thing that every map needs in order for us to read it correctly?
Directions- This helps you to know where you are going. There are four directions.
Let’s Play!