A non-collectable, strategic card game! Card games have finally evolved... Darwin would be proud. Nature of the Beast Brought to you by your friends at.


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Presentation transcript:

A non-collectable, strategic card game! Card games have finally evolved... Darwin would be proud. Nature of the Beast Brought to you by your friends at

What is Nature of the Beast? Each player takes command of an animal army fighting for domination in the shadows of humanity! Battle boxes can be mixed and matched to add more players or to customize decks. Available in two Battle boxes, each contains a complete two player game. City Vs. Suburb Farm Vs. Forest

What armies are available? Each battle box contains two unique pre-built decks representing the animals of different habitats. The different habitats cater to all styles of gameplay: The city deck is tough and well-balanced with strong connections to humanity and all of its resources. The Suburb Deck is nimble and flexible. What it lacks in brute force, it makes up with cleverness and guile. The farm deck plays on the razor’s edge of dark nature. A dangerous place of much power and likely damnation... The forest deck is built for one thing... kicking butt! Is it subtle? No. Is it deadly? Oh yeah...

Tell me about the animals! Each animal has a variety of traits and powers: RANK indicates an animal’s overall power. Higher ranked animals are harder to recruit. VECTORS determine how an animal can move and influence other spaces in the field. COMBAT measures raw fighting ability and is used in battles. CLOUT is an animal’s persuasiveness and is crucial for recruiting. CUNNING measures intelligence & wits. It can provide an edge in a variety of situations. Each animals also has a UNIQUE POWER that can turn the tide of the game in your favor!

How do I win the game? Recruiting troops and moving them up through your field is the key to winning the game! There are game variants that vary the field size and that even allow players to compete on a shared field! To win, you must be the first to recruit enough animals to fill up your field. The field is an imaginary grid that represents all of your resources. Below the field is your PEN. this is where your potential recruits will appear.

how do I recruit my army? Recruiting an animal from your pen is simple. You must meet or beat its rank with other animals’ clout. - An animal in your field which tilts adds its clout. - An animal which you trash from your pen adds its clout. No matter how many animals are involved, recruiting one animal is one action. a new recruit moves onto the field based on its vectors. You can use any combination of two methods: 2 Clout recruits 2 Rank.... plus 2 Clout... 4 clout recruits 5 rank.

How do battles work? An untilted animal can spend an action to tilt and declare an attack on another animal in play. The two players involved take alternating BATTLE ACTIONS, starting with the defender. The battle ends when both players consecutively pass their battle actions. battle actions involve playing tricks, calling allies, using animal powers or boosting legends. Highest combat total wins, though defender wins ties. The attacker gains one FURY after the battle... be careful, if you ever reach 10 fury, you are OUT OF THE GAME!

What is Fury? Remember, Every time you attack, you gain fury. Fury measures humanity’s concerns regarding your more violent actions. If your fury reaches five, your army has crossed over into DARK NATURE. Dark Nature opens up a whole arsenal of evil options for those whom are willing to risk it all! Remember, If your fury reaches ten, you’re out of the game! Also on the counter card is FAVOR; it measures how much ‘pull’ you have with humanity. Favor can be used to buy items and to get human allies to do things for you. Manage these two traits carefully! Favor is hard to gain and fury is hard to lose!

What else can I do? There are many awesome ways to strengthen your army... Promote leaders! Buy equipment!Discover locations! Find human allies! Unleash tons of other cool events!

Join the Battle today! Go to Right now! Download the rules! check out the comics! Buy the game! Come on... all the cool kids are doing it! you’re my best friend! Dude, buy your own battle boxes!