Ch. 3 Vocabulary
Day 1 plains physical geography human geography settlement weather
plains A wide area of flat or gently rolling land
physical geography The physical features of the earth’s surface
Human geography the features of the earth that are created or changed by humans
settlement A place where people live
weather the condition of the atmosphere at a specific time and place
“Talk a mile a minute”
Physical Geography Human Geography Weather Settlement Plains
Day 2 tributary subregion escarpment growing season elevation
tributary A stream that flows into a larger stream
subregion A smaller division of a geographic region
escarpment A cliff or abrupt break in the land’s surface
Growing season The average number of days between the last killing frost of spring and the first killing frost of fall
elevation The height of an area or place above sea level
Day 3 Steppe Aquifer Basin Vegetation plateau
steppe A vast, treeless plain
aquifer An underground layer of porous rock, gravel, or sand containing water that may reach the surface through springs or wells
basin Broad, flat-bottomed valley
vegetation All the plants or plant life of a place
plateau A land area with a relatively flat surface raised above the surrounding land
Day 4 Metropolitan area Suburb Industry Per capita income heritage
Metropolitan area A city and the area around it
suburb A smaller community just outside the city
industry The activity of making or preparing products for sale
Per capita income The average amount of income per person per year in a given area
heritage Beliefs and customs that people get from their ancestors
Vocabulary Sentences 1. Place names in Texas reflect the state’s diverse _____________. 2. The Houston ____________ area is the most populated area in Texas. 3. Many areas in Texas rely on underground ____________for their water supply. 4. The Pecos River is a ______ of the Rio Grande. 5. Today’s _________ will be hot and humid.
Vocabulary Sentences 6. The Panhandle of Texas has miles of grass covered ___________. 7. People study ________ _________ to learn how people interact with their environment. 8. The Piney Woods is a _________ of the Coastal Plains. 9. Many Texans live in _______ just outside the cities.
Vocabulary Quiz 1.SettlementA. broad, flat-bottomed valleys 2.SteppeB. a stream that flows into a larger stream 3.AquiferC. a place where people live 4.HeritageD. a cliff or abrupt break in land’s surface 5.PlainsE. wide area of flat, or gently rolling land 6.TributaryF. a vast, treeless plain 7.EscarpmentG. an underground water source 8.BasinH. beliefs people get from their ancestors