Flat Morgan, aka Cool Girl arrives in Garðabær (Gardabaer) Iceland March 2, 2007 Garðabær is a suburb of Reykjavik the Capital City of Iceland This is a photo of City Hall in Garðabær
Above is a picture of the apartment Cool Girl stayed at for 1 week with Kent. Of course Kent read all the instructions closely.
First priority is an Icelandic Sweater (Lopapeysa), so many to choose from. Made with only the finest Icelandic wool.
This is a relief map that is in Reykjavik City Hall (below). Reykjavik is the orange area.
Same map, this is shows Vatnajökull. The largest Glacier in Europe With the West Fjords.
With Parliament and Central Cathedral With Statue of Jon Sigurdsson, who helped Iceland gain its independence from Denmark. (A copy of this statue in in front of the Manitoba Legislature) By the pond
Went for a ride on transit bus with Kent. Visited a school, Lindaskóli skóli is school in Icelandic.
With Ingolfur Arnarson, the first settler of Iceland. With Leif Eiricsson (Eiriksson) the Viking that discovered North America about the year It is in front of Hallgrim´s Church the largest church in Iceland.
Went to explore the Washing Valley Laugardalur, where the women of Reykjavik would gather to wash clothes in the natural hot water.
Now in the Washing Valley they use the hot water for an outdoor swimming pool. After a swim we had a pylsur (hotdog) but Kent had to help me finish it.
We went to visit the Asmundur Sveinsson Sculpture Gardens. Very Cool..... He used to live in the dome.
Cool Girl set off on her jouney back to Canada March 9, Some interesting art at the International Airport.