The Future of our Town Centres Pat Steward Feb 2012
Generally “High Streets and town centres that are fit for the 21st Century need to be multifunctional social centres, not simply competitors for stretched consumers. They must offer irresistible opportunities and experiences that do not exist elsewhere, are rooted in the interests and needs of local people, and will meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.” Action for Market Towns, Twenty First Century Town Centres (2011)
Torbay – what do we want? Leading destination of choice for people with money to spend Attract new visitors, investment in high quality tourism facilities and the improvement of existing products and services. No out-of-centre retailing which would harm the vitality and viability of town centres. Diversify the leisure and cultural offer in the town centres, particularly the night time economy in Torquay. To create a more enjoyable, creative built and natural environment using heritage assets, public art and the revitalisation of the public realm to attract events, exhibitions and festivals. Reinforce a clear identity for and distinctive offer of each town; Strengthen their roles, particularly in terms of leisure and lifestyle Increase visitor numbers, spend and footfall.
Where are we now? People’s view, or perception, of the character of Torbay’s town centres varies hugely. “Torbados”, the YouTube parody of Alicia Keys’ song (New York State of Mind), ( )provides an insight to the view at one end of spectrum. At the other end, Metronomy’s song, The Bay ( e=fvsr ) provides a very different perspective of the Bay. e=fvsr
What do we need to do - generally Identify and promote key urban locations for mixed use regeneration including major retail, leisure, cultural and recreational opportunities Support employment and housing provision, within and near to town centres- including a careful scaling back of secondary shopping areas. Support the re-use of under-utilised floorspace, above existing businesses, as a source of employment space and housing supply Continue a strong town centres first approach to development, particularly for retail uses. Support a limited number of mixed use edge of centre developments. These will help to achieve balanced communities by delivering a mix of employment, leisure, retail, family housing, healthcare, education and local centre facilities. ‘relaxed’ planning requirements to support invest in re-use of redundant / vacant properties and the public realm around them support ‘meanwhile’ uses that help make the transition from vacant property to valuable, long term use.
Torquay - ambition Torquay the Commercial Centre - Torquay will develop as the principal Town Centre of the Bay with a regenerated Town Centre. There will be an enhanced harbour and waterfront facilities and a strong cultural offer. Torquay Town Centre will develop as the largest retail and leisure centre of the Bay and become a key lifestyle and leisure destination. This will help provide an improved, vibrant and more enjoyable shopping and leisure environment with better high street retail, eating and leisure facilities.
Torquay – in the next 5 years More focused retail and leisure offer, principally around the Harbour, by reducing the size of the retail area; Utilising existing buildings, in those parts of the town that are no longer needed for retail purposes, for more mixed use purposes including leisure, office space, residential, cafes and restaurants. Improved provision of quality retail facilities and other town centre uses on lower floors with high quality residential and office space above. Improve the accessibility of the centre as a whole and from key access points, and also good access by public transport, by cycle and by foot. Create a unique shopping experience with a distinct main high street offer at Union Street, including a significant level of new housing and a leisure based retail offer at Torquay Harbour which provides a ‘point of difference’ to complement the rest of Torquay Town Centre High quality ‘landmark’ buildings and significant improvements to public spaces Secure a Purple Flag Award for the night-time economy.
Paignton - ambition Paignton the Family Resort - Paignton will be a vibrant, distinct place of wide appeal with a reinvigorated Town Centre and waterfront. Its traditional seaside experience with be complemented by a focus on education, learning and provision of leisure facilities for all ages. Paignton Town Centre will be regenerated in order to reverse the decline the town has seen in recent years. The connectivity from the town centre to the sea front, harbour and surrounding parks will be restored and improved.
Paignton – in the next 5 years Redevelopment of Crossways Shopping Centre, multi-storey car park and land off Dendy Road, Victoria Square, and the former Woolworths building A Community Hub focused on Station Lane area providing community uses, transportation hub, including improved train and bus station and public realm enhancements. Sustaining the vital recreational and tourism role of Paignton Green and Esplanade, including the new play park, Encourage proposals to redevelop the Apollo Cinema / former Festival Theatre Encourage the viable long-term use of the Old Paignton Cinema. Encourage proposals to rejuvenate Paignton Harbour, enhancing its role and character as a centre for water based activities, with associated maritime and tourism facilities. Improved public realm to re-establish the formerly distinctive grid pattern of Paignton, linked to the regeneration of major development sites, connecting the medieval town with the Victorian garden suburb.
Brixham - ambition Brixham the Creative Harbour- To develop Brixham as a resilient maritime town with high levels of employment, new holiday and retail provision and a vibrant harbourside. Mixed use regeneration is proposed in the Brixham Town Centre, harbour and waterfront areas, to provide a range of retail, employment, leisure and residential facilities appropriate to the scale of the town, and to sustain its role as a vibrant maritime resort, to support and develop traditional industries and diversify the economic base.
Brixham – the next 5 years Mixed use retail and residential development at Middle Street (on the site of former multi storey car park). Mixed use employment oriented development at Freshwater Quarry and Oxen Cove, incorporating an element of residential use. Improved walking and cycling facilities to increase the permeability of the town centre and provide a high class working and recreational environment for residents and tourists. Better water-based transport links for leisure and commuting. Encourage developments that create a high quality vibrant public realm with active ground floor uses including cafes, bars and restaurants. Deliver an improved provision of quality retail facilities and other town centre uses on lower floors with high quality residential and office space above.
Thoughts Success of town centres critical to success of Bay Focus on USP, not on competition Partnership, Town Centres Co. to lead e.g. BID Radical solutions needed – be bold Multifunctional social centres – not just retail